Thanks for the positive opinions about us scandinavian fans....
Almost all my friends support Man Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal and some of them support Chelsea.
No way in hell you can imagine how much shit i have got from my friends through all these years that i have supported NUFC.
But the funny thing is that EVEN i know alot more than them about the teams that they support bluelaugh.gif (so i guess that shows how much their teams really mean to them)
They just watch the games (when on tv) and look at the table and smile. They NEVER look on the internet what really is going on.
Or maybe im just a little weird spending hour after hour on the internet every day trying to find something new to read about, dont know how many sites i visit several times a day blueeek.gif
And this internet world will probably get me kicked out of my job soon, been warned a couple of times already
In my town where i live Elfsborg plays and are 3 points from the top of the table and one of the favourite teams to win the highest division here in Sweden (called Allsvenskan) but i still support NUFC much much more, will never be able to love Elfsborg as much as Newcastle Utd. Why i dont know, but i guess that's because i have dedicated so much time around everything that Newcastle is about for all these years from when i was a kid. It's only lately that i have start going to Elfsborgs games because a friend of mine is a big fan of them and i like to watch football. And of course i like Elfsborg as well..But i cant imagine myself having two teams in my heart. Not at the same way anyway. Elfsborg will never be able to change a good day to a disastrous day for me (like supporting Newcastle has done to us way too often for several years) We deserve something really good once again soon, at least some luck with whatever it might be.
And i guess that there are many fans out there just like me who really loves a club even through difficult times that even dont live in the same Country or city..Like a friend of mine who was with me in Lilleström...We stood just behind the right of the goal..Just in front of the balkony..There were some guys down there in front of us. Any member from this forum? One who i can remember had his head shaved and a "NUFC" tattoo on his back if i remember correctly, and had his shirt off (what do you call a guy with no hair? bald or what's it called? hehe)
And it's nice to hear from some people that they appreciate the support from fans that are not born and raised in Newcastle.