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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Hopefully, will be something to laugh at.
  2. An own goal and a sending off would do very nicely.
  3. That's Fred's international career over.
  4. Michael Owen-esque captaining performance.
  5. Ha, Fred really is getting booed! I wonder if Dani Alves will have the balls to tell every single Brazilian fan that they're wrong.
  6. Chelsea's done some great business there, robbing PSG of £50 million!
  7. Some captain David Luiz has turned out to be.
  8. Do you know what's saddening me? The fact that as a result of that cunt Pardew, indifference has settled in amongst my feelings for the club - I am one who strongly opposed the Colback signing but now...seeing that cunt in NUFC gear doesn't make me angry or anything, all I'm getting is the feeling of not caring; I'm feeling the same about the Debuchy sale too - now Debuchy was one of my favourite players last season so to see him leave should make me a bit angry but again I'm feeling nothing. The life has been sucked out of NUFC and football is quickly losing all meaning for me - only the right change can bring it all back for me.
  9. I'm still buzzing from Krul's heroics. So proud.
  10. Love this guy. Well chuffed for him.
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