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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    On a related note, Tony Pulis' refusal to wear a suit for a game annoys the fuck out of me.
  2. 12 worded article. Impressive, I need to get in on journalism if that's all that takes to write an article
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Nope, can't take you seriously anymore CT
  4. To an extent, I agree. His talent is being wasted on the bench, can't actually remember the last time he had an extended run in the City side.....
  5. 49 points for this gameweek. Up to 91st, think I may just give up
  6. Wow, Villa are embarrassing. Just had a look at Spurs' second goal, such poor defending from both Shay and the Villa defender.
  7. The way this season has gone so far has got me being cautiously optimistic about this particular trip to Old Trafford. Having said that though, a draw would be a fantastic result.
  8. Ha, indeed But I can see us having a right go at them. With Tiote almost certainly back for this, could see us just nicking a win.
  9. Yeah, can definitely see this happening. From what I've seen of Villa this season, can't see them doing anything worthy of note. Down to McLeish more than anything.
  10. Sifu


    Thank you Steve Bruce for the mackems' indifferent form so far this season. Long may it continue.
  11. I'd also start Raylor against Man U but it is time to think about easing him out of the side and easing Santon in.
  12. N'Zogbia injured or has he been dropped for being shite?
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