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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. We'll probably be on last/second last.
  2. Aye but he's knocking on deaths door unfortunately. Can't be having old players, their legs are prone to falling off at any moment. Aye, of course.
  3. Yeah, a deserved red card there for Torres. Dangerous tackle.
  4. Almost as strange as Chris Samba hugging Demba Ba when he went off. I'd be a bit annoyed if I was a Rovers fan. Indeed.
  5. Aaron Hughes is retiring from international football at the end of the Euro 2012 qualifying campaign.
  6. That passage of play when we were just passing the ball around and keeping possession - great stuff. Our general style of play today (and indeed against Villa) was definitely encouraging. Long may it continue.
  7. Got the match ball http://c0013969.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/x2_870e5ab
  8. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Our midfield is so much better without him and that was always going to be the case as long as we brought in somebody with a little movement, Cabaye is a massive upgrade in that respect. Both of your posts sums it up for me. Nolan gets my respect for what he did for us in the last two years in terms of his goals and leadership on and off the pitch. But our midfield this season with Cabaye-Tiote is evidently a big improvement on last season's.
  9. It was probably this. Would have come off if it was something more serious.
  10. I reckon it's going to be 1-1. Cabaye thunderbolt.
  11. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Aye, apart his mistake of giving the ball away which led to Blackburn's goal, he was solid enough today.
  12. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Hell of a start. November (and Dec 3) is a total bitch and we'll have to see how he handles it. Really happy with things though.
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