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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sounds like it will be goodbye shteve in the morning Yep.
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He did fine when he came on but the game was virtually over and we were cruising by that time. Not really anything to report other than one "nearly" assist.
  3. Top of the Newcastle Online Cup (H2H) league
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Well Tiote did bring in Bernard as a translator one time iirc.
  5. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Aftermath of the paintballing: Danny Simpson Gotta say it was a good performance #ninja http://c0013974.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/x2_87dbc32
  6. Done. SkirgeyKris Me @ @JamieMnufc Its pricks like u that give fans a bad name... Jonas is a true pro and has 100% earned hiss new contract @elgalgojonas 35 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply Well done Skirge
  7. Sifu

    St James' Park

    That's definitely easier on the eye. But even with that colour scheme, I still wouldn't be too thrilled with SD signs being everywhere.
  8. I agree. Still doesn't stop it being an injustice on his behalf, he definitely deserves it.
  9. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Great, more unnecessary signs.
  10. This is fantastic news Like pretty much all of of you said, Colo next to sign a new contract please!
  11. Sifu


    It's great, really cheered me up. Thing is though, I doubt they'll go down (ATM with Bruce) there just isn't enough quality in the league at the bottom for that to happen. The real problem is the balance of their squad, and the lack of quality while being topped out on wages, and if they do sack Bruce (£6m or whatever down the drain) who is going to come in? And what in all honesty can they really do with that squad? I think right now Bruce is actually their best bet, he's a fluky fuker and will somehow end up with the wins he needs to keep it going and keep them in the division. They'll certainly not make any progress under him, but a new manager has a lot to sort out, and if it doesn't go right straight away it will end up in a meltdown of epic proportions, possibly even relegation. Talk of Benitez, MON or Hughes, all 3 would have a job on, Hughes being the best of the bunch as the other two would want £50m on players and big personal £££ just to consider taking the job. Hughes could get it working, he goes for similar type players as Bruce, but is it worth the sacking fee of Bruce to take a chance? Certainly not now, maybe nearer xmas when the true table starts to form, but by then it could be too late. Right now worst thing for them is to panic and sack him without a replacement lined up and without an actual gameplan and not just looking for a quick fix, and even more worrying with Quinny still there, and Reid losing his job there's a quickfire answer to their problems, like KD on a smaller scale, get the bandwagon rolling, but the wheels would come off in spectacular fashion, and would be a crease to watch. Agree with your post there. Their squad isn't the best out there but it should, at the very least, be able to do a job against the newly promoted teams. I reckon the problem does indeed lie with Bruce. Can he really get the best out of the players? On current form, I doubt it. He'll get some results here and there like you've said and that would keep him in the job. But I don't think the likes of Wickham, Colback will be able to develop properly under Bruce's guidance.
  12. Sifu

    SJP announcer?

    He used to, it's someone different now. Lockwood still does the half-time stuff though.
  13. Sifu


    Yep, proper meltdown on RTG
  14. I think so. He reads all the forums like. I imagine most of the local journalists do.
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