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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Guess it is the case of easing him back into the side...
  2. :lol: Childish but fantastic.
  3. Would be highly ironic to finally spend the Andy Carroll money on Andy Carroll. Yep.
  4. I'm still somewhat bitter about him leaving, I'm still finding myself wanting him to fail miserably at Liverpool. But now that this is looking the case, I do feel sorry for him to an extent. What's happening to him now though is also his own fault as well as the board's at ours and Dalglish for not utilising him properly. If he does come back, what I highlighted in bold from your post is what it would take for me to somewhat forgive Carroll for leaving.
  5. Sifu

    James Perch

    Exactly, totally misleading post. Half decent from Perch last night. Won a fair bit in the air, never the most elegant on the deck but got the job done most of the time. Went long with his passing a bit too often for my liking, however typically whoever has played right centre back for us over the last year or so has tended to be a lot more direct than Colo on the left. Surprised by some of the comments on here last night that he had a shocker. Pleased to read that. Hes got obvious shortcomings as a player but I was hopeful they wouldn't be so obviously exposed at centre back. Still remember what a fantastic game he had v Jonas in the Championship v Forest at SJP. He must have some defensive ability hidden away somewhere. When he signed I was hoping he'd be an other Aaron Hughes but they were just horrendous performances from him at right back. I hope we can get away with him at centre back for a few games because I've got a feeling we're going to see a little bit more of him at some stage this season. As it stands just one tweak or strain for Colo or Taylor and hes in the side to make a back 4 of RTaylor-Perch- Taylor /Colo -Simpson. what about williamson? Still injured.
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I would say it was mostly 'uneducated' guesses, such as 'Not a lot is known about (insert foreign name here)' combined with 'But, but, they've sold Nolan'. A couple may have been tinged with prejudice. Sounds about right.
  7. Good to see some team bonding btw
  8. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    That would be epic tbh.
  9. Not sure if I can make it to this game. It's looking like a last minute decision. What time does the box office open on Saturday and which seats are likely to be available (which end/area)?
  10. That solidifies it then. Cunt of the highest order.
  11. extract from his autobiography: Lucas Neill's lucky escape after breaking Jamie Carragher's leg By Jamie Carragher 4/09/2008 When my leg was broken in an horrific tackle by Lucas Neill in September 2000, my mates were ready to hunt him down if I gave the go-ahead. A few weeks later I received a phone call. "You won't believe this, Jay. We're in the Trafford Centre and Lucas Neill is walking straight towards us. What do you reckon?" Did I really want Neill to take a crack? "There's only one problem," added the voice. "Little Davey Thommo is with him." That was that. I could hardly let one of my best mates, David Thompson, now a Blackburn player, become a witness to an assault. Besides he'd have recognised the attackers. The impromptu mission was aborted and I sent a text to Thommo telling him Neill should give him a hug of thanks. As word got back to Blackburn about the near miss, or should that be hit, their coach Terry Darracott, a Scouser, appealed to one of my friends to call the boys off. I agreed. Complete arsehole Sounds like an absolute cunt.
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