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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Both done more than Ben Arfa today. "Form" isn't just one game, though. What has Routledge done like? Every cross has been wank, other than that and one OK run to the half-way line, he's been fairly anonymous.
  2. Nolan has barely touched the ball. Think we'd be better off with having Shola alongside Carroll.
  3. Nolan and Routledge need to get into the game more. Or we need to get them into the game.
  4. Routledge and Perch when it comes to crossing Bound to get a good ball in eventually...bound to....
  5. £250 per year = £20.83 per month. £5 a month will only give them a portion of fish & chips to feed their families. £20.83 per month allows them to repair their fishing nets so they can feed their families for a lifetime. Look at this kid's face. Have a heart. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2Xn_V1fJ_I6tSoD7l51IuXnlA1VVBcIHeRYGJhPEL43Axubc&t=1&usg=__Sup-M7OFkPzhVOO66jJtY8HoQBM=
  6. Over on the Chelsea forums they are having an almighty wank over Josh McEachran. Next Lampard, similar to Zidane/Iniesta, etc etc. He did look very good, but it feels like they're not aware that he was up against Smith, Ranger, Vuckic, Raylor, etc.
  7. That Anelka penalty Really would have been phenomenally bad if he had missed. He even looked pretty suprised that it went in.
  8. Could be the sequel to this: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9ZrUu1VIsEMufJ6oC3WkwL5OTeNJ6dl6BySFogG5AAE8VoQU&t=1&usg=__Q2X5F_ZhVKlQN5-IIwA9AsRM2gU=
  9. To be fair, Routledge's crossing has been abysmal thus far too.
  10. tmonkey

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Shearer would be in the footballing equivalent of this video. Question: How influential is Pato? Shearer: Very, you know, he did all that philosophy stuff and maths and stuff and fought in the battle of Troy.
  11. tmonkey

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Kinda makes me glad he never became our manager permanently. Comes across as being very ignorant about football beyond these shores...
  12. tmonkey

    James Perch

    I'd like to see this. It might fail spectacularly, but then I'm not sure anyone can be worse than Perch right now, and Coloccini does distribute the ball well and is pretty solid defensively (especially in direct one-on-ones). Not sure if anyone can confirm this, but I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that this is the position where he's picked up most of his caps for Argentina...
  13. The obvious guess is that they've probably been monitoring him, but were wary of his reputation for falling out with teammates/managers/etc and generally being a disruptive influence off the pitch. Can also see quite a few managers not willing to take a chance on a flair player who might not buy into the team ethos or might not follow tactical instructions. Similar to how Anelka ended up at Bolton, then a season and a half later had ManU and Chelsea scambling to sign him (even though he was the same quality player ability-wise he has been for much of his career and prior to his move to Bolton). It probably just needed someone else to take the risk and show that he wasn't an unsettling influence and his ability did warrant investment.
  14. tmonkey

    Andre Marriner

    Jagielka's handball was literally right under his nose. Still can't believe he just ignored it completely.
  15. tmonkey

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He looks to have wayyyyy more ability than Ginola/Robert, at least in his dribbling/touch/technique. Closer at times to the likes of Zidane/Ronaldinho/Messi than Ginola. Ginola was great, but in no way did he ghost past 3 or 4 players at will and on numerous occassions like that.
  16. That should be a red Fellaini. Stick his elbow out. Dirty fucker.
  17. FS Nolan should've done better there. Same as Carroll on Ben Arfa's through ball. Too slow both of them.
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