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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. 5pm today. It is...INEVITABLE.
  2. Reckon PL has given the green light and the holding company is being set up to facilitate payment and the transfer of shareholing from MASH to this BZG company. BZG pays money into the holding company which is then wired to MASH.
  3. On the minutest chance that someone from BZG is snooping on fans forums and wondering why the fuck some of our fans are having mental breakdowns or getting so impatient/sceptical over this with a couple of weeks being too much to wait, it's because we're in a weird melting pot situation where: - We have an owner who has repeatedly lied and actually used PR campaigns through use of an actual PR firm against the fans and even the current manager; - Previous takeover "bids" came to absolutely nothing in the end, and usually at a convenient time to prevent swift transfer activity; - An immensely popular world class manager is on the verge of leaving with no visible attempt to keep him; - The transfer window has been open for a few weeks and other clubs are snapping players up whilst we're doing nothing; and - Journalists are riling people up by casting doubt on BZG's legitimacy and implying the statements are lies. All of that is alot for your average fan to take in.
  4. Chelsea ManU bore draw was worse imo. Hopefully we have no more all-English finals going forward, they've all been terrible and even though most players are forrin there's been a disgusting lack of technical ability and composure in all of these finals compared to when actual forrin teams play each other.
  5. Eriksen bender into the top corner, come on lad!
  6. Hendersen juggling the ball whilst dribbling like a mackem Cafu.
  7. Liverpool have bunged this ref
  8. Salah has been ridiculously greedy in this game.
  9. If that's not a handball then every game we'll have people looking to sneakily block crosses by sticking their hands out and pointing. "Ref, I was pointing to the blonde big titted lass in the crowd, zero intention to block the cross I promise".
  10. The funny thing is you just know Moussa is one arrogant, thick, wannabe alpha male cunt. When he was with us I hated seeing the way he would jog around with his chest out like he's the Don, especially if he did something decent in a game. At the point of that handball he probably thinks he's a conductor and a leader and he absolutely must point to make sure everyone knew exactly where the ball was going. I remember there was a story on here about one of our fans going up to Gabriel Obertan after a defeat and telling him to his face that he's a shit cunt or something, and Obertan looked really gutted and upset as a result of it. I wish I could do that to Sissoko. He needs it drummed into him that he's a thick, stupid cunt and he shouldn't act like he's the big boss on the pitch. That's his posture, ffs. Poor Obertan, btw.
  11. The funny thing is you just know Moussa is one arrogant, thick, wannabe alpha male cunt. When he was with us I hated seeing the way he would jog around with his chest out like he's the Don, especially if he did something decent in a game. At the point of that handball he probably thinks he's a conductor and a leader and he absolutely must point to make sure everyone knew exactly where the ball was going. I remember there was a story on here about one of our fans going up to Gabriel Obertan after a defeat and telling him to his face that he's a shit cunt or something, and Obertan looked really gutted and upset as a result of it. I wish I could do that to Sissoko. He needs it drummed into him that he's a thick, stupid cunt and he shouldn't act like he's the big boss on the pitch.
  12. Pards would be delighted with the way Liverpool have played. No attempt to play passing football, just hoof it over the top at every opportunity.
  13. Moura needs come on at half time, most likely for Kane.
  14. Hendersen going down the line like a mackem Redondo.
  15. RIP. One of those players who has been playing at a high level for such a long time that it's a bit of a surprise to realize he's only 35. Was a really mature player at 20, played more like a 25 year old.
  16. Not like Midhat Kidwai not to comment Just find that very worrying reading that they looked for such a large amount from a hedge fund. I really hope a hedge fund isn’t part of any deal for us probably end up with a hedge fund company as part of the deal like that Sisu one Coventry have knowing our luck. Just hope this ends up alright for us because everything I read about the Bin Zayed Group is a worry. What is looking most likely is that the Sheikh is probably just fronting investors in a bid to build his profile and finally get something legit to his name. Just have to hope the Sheikh is bringing good Dubai based investors to us rather than some Swiss hedge fund that will try bleed us dry and turn our training ground into a housing complex for money. Just hoping something good comes out of it surely we’re due something good. That's from the Daily Mail, just edited so the "Sportsmail..." bits are removed. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-6092431/Cousin-Man-City-owner-failed-world-record-2bn-takeover-Liverpool.html In terms of concerns about hedge funds: 1) £750m coming from a hedge fund for a £2bn purchase would appear to suggest the Sheikh can get hold of £1.25bn. We would cost £350m... 2) It's reasonable for someone at that level of purchase to want to spread the financial risk by taking on minority investors which still allows for retaining complete control of the company. 2) Just because a different hedge fund was involved in running another club at a lower level into the ground does not mean all hedge funds are the same. Wouldn't really make sense for a hedge fund to want to take over a well supported PL club with a plan to asset strip it.
  17. Age/talent wise he's worth at least £100m in the current market. Bayern are low balling because of his rumoured fall out with Pep/contract being up in a couple of seasons.
  18. Fit and proper test is only really aimed at preventing criminals or people with severe financial difficulties (bankruptcies) from owning a club. Beyond that it's useless and won't protect football clubs from greedy sharks looking to line their own pockets through taking advantage of loyal customer bases.
  19. The meltdown if nothing happens
  20. None of what they've said would be subject to an NDA. An NDA will be used to stop them disclosing sensitive commercial and financial information they would be given access to during the process, before any transaction is completed or in the event that the takeover fails. It really depends on what the NDA says. It's pretty common in M&A deals for the NDA to say the confidential information that can't be disclosed includes the substance and even the very fact of contact and discussion between the parties. There are a number reasons for that, including not scaring off your employees and not telegraphing business strategies to competitors. Having said that, though, those reasons aren't really that applicable here--everyone already knows the club is for sale and important employees are contractually tied down--so maybe MA doesn't care about the other side blabbing. Seems fairly simple to me - the deal is all done and dusted pending PL approval which is just a formality. Negotiations have been completed, both sides have signed the paperwork, so that's it, the NDA is now defunct because everything is tied up awaiting regulator approval. At this stage an announcement is reasonable. The fact that the club officially confirmed BZG's first announcement is enough to suggest the announcement was agreed by both sides. I'd even harbour a guess that the first BZG statement was something Ashley wanted because if he's sold the club and BZG remain completely silent whilst the PL do their fit and proper background checks (which might take time) each day that passes Ashley gets continued negative press coverage for not doing anything about Rafa's contract, not signing players, etc. Why bother with that if the club is effectively sold?
  21. Sarri writing down "I told them cunts".
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