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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. it certainly would. it will be interesting to see how/if the press jumps on them. especially that speccy, two faced coward from the NOTW
  2. jesus wept. You'd be funnier if you were funny. i'm just surprised an intelligent fella like yourself would write a story like that, on a football forum, entitled 'funniest thing you've ever seen at a football match'. it's almost as odd as your tale in the neighbours thread.
  3. Have there been any brilliant ginger footballers? Boniek? But was he a full ginger? scholes
  4. i'd rather play him with faye and sit taylor on his arse next to given tbh Cant play 2 defenders of the same style together it just doesnt work, like all partnerships througout centre of the team. so we should play a good one and a s**** one instead? aye, that'll work No, we shouldnt play 2 defnders of the same style, i thought that would be clear from my above quote, here i'll put it in bold for you... can you explain what the alternative is then? playing dunne and taylor? i'll stress again, we should play our 2 best central defenders, same style or not. if we were to sign dunne, taylor wouldnt be one of our two best defenders. Address the real weakness in the defence and look to sign the type of defender we need, address your weaknesses before you address your position of strength, like i say i wont be too overwhelmed if this comes off. Whats the point of playing your 2 best defenders together if they are unable to play together, it'd be like lampard and Gerrard for england....same concept different position. you miss the point. we are hardly overwhelmed with defensive talent at nufc incase you hadn't noticed, and we're not realy in a position to be picky about dropping a far superior defender (which faye is to taylor imo), for the sake that he is similar to richard dunne, who is also far superior defensively to mr taylor. and, to be honest, i relay dont think they are all that similar, they are both big, thats about it, but dunne doesnt get caught out by many one on one and has a turn of pace, he also commands the back four/leads from the back. can't say i've seen faye do any of these things?
  5. :lol: 'listen reet, this is the plan, hype the fans up that we are signing this proper mint creative midfielder, then bang, we'll drop richard dunne in instead'
  6. i'd rather play him with faye and sit taylor on his arse next to given tbh Cant play 2 defenders of the same style together it just doesnt work, like all partnerships througout centre of the team. so we should play a good one and a s**** one instead? aye, that'll work No, we shouldnt play 2 defnders of the same style, i thought that would be clear from my above quote, here i'll put it in bold for you... can you explain what the alternative is then? playing dunne and taylor? i'll stress again, we should play our 2 best central defenders, same style or not. if we were to sign dunne, taylor wouldnt be one of our two best defenders.
  7. we're certainly going about our business early! good to see
  8. just been on as a headline. 'newcastle have made an approach for richard dunne'
  9. i'd rather play him with faye and sit taylor on his arse next to given tbh Cant play 2 defenders of the same style together it just doesnt work, like all partnerships througout centre of the team. so we should play a good one and a shite one instead? aye, that'll work
  10. i'd rather play him with faye and sit taylor on his arse next to given tbh
  11. Terry. Would probably need to sign a more "footballing" defender aswell with a bit of pace (imo) and Faye would then fill the DM position we currently need to buy for. I was massively impressed with Dunne when City played Liverpool earlier this season. Kept Torres quiet and was amazed how quick Dunne was, I always thought of him as a lumbering no nonsense centre back, but the lad can shift as well. i thought he was awesome at old trafford as well. he's turned from the white bramble into a top centre half dunne.
  12. would love him here. great news if true. good to see we're hitting our targets early as well
  13. exactly. and they are too thick to realise his 'made it funnier' thing was a wind up.
  14. I can't say why, due to too many people on here being of the same race etc, you know, i just found it funnier because of that reason, you had to be there to find it funny You sound like such a little c***, you do know that? :lol:
  15. I can't say why, due to too many people on here being of the same race etc, you know, i just found it funnier because of that reason, you had to be there to find it funny eh? So you're basically saying becuase he was of different origins it was funnier. f****** hell, setting the North East back a few decades aren't we? p.s - woooooooooooooosh
  16. I can't say why, due to too many people on here being of the same race etc, you know, i just found it funnier because of that reason, you had to be there to find it funny eh? So you're basically saying becuase he was of different origins it was funnier. f****** hell, setting the North East back a few decades aren't we? give over man will you, the way i read it was he was just setting the scene, not being racist or anything. i would have creased up as well tbf. lighten up man, stop looking for something that isn't there
  17. lovejoy

    Today's other games

    citys last game of the season, and all of their fans have fucked off at the whistle apparently. i thought they had the best fan's in the world?
  18. p.s can we change the title now. so luka modric is shite?
  19. that's a kick in the balls, but we have to realise that we are not in europe so bringing in targets like him is always going to be difficult. this is the benefit of going for your targets early however, we have plenty of time to bring someone else in. exciting signing for spuds that
  20. good lad! we'll make our own greg eh!! (or we'll just go in my car!) a few drinks on a bus would be good though? coming to think of it, if we can get enough of us, i would do this from manc
  21. i come up from manchester, so i'm fucked. good idea though. (cunts)
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