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Everything posted by STM

  1. Not so much a scrap, more of a full on buffet.
  2. That's been my take. Regardless of what's happening at MA's end... these fuckers certainly seem convinced they are buying us. Like proper nutcase certain.
  3. It was just a fan who typed the names into companies house every day who got the scoop, so simple but once again caught the journalists with their pants down.
  4. I'm telling you, Rafas contract hold up HAS to be because of a takeover. It's the only thing that makes sense. Either Ashley intends to sell before his contract is up, therefore sees no reason to renew his contract. Or BZG have told him not renew as they want their own man.
  5. Said he didn't have an update and then in the same tweet said he expected an update this week. You reckon he was tipped off about something later on in the week?
  6. Not sure I really buy the whole Caulkin cryptic tweet thing? Isn't he just saying he doesn't have an update?
  7. Fuck off man? They are on the same street?
  8. Apparently he is also called Sheikh, it's not even worth trying to explain but it's legit.
  9. Keith Downie has contributed nothing but waffle there, all he has confirmed is that not only does he not have a clue about anything but also that he isn't prepared to even try researching things.
  10. Ok, so Pinsent Mason was used by Mike Ashley for the purchase of the club in 2007 aye? Would it be then right to assume he may have advised the buyers on which legal firm to use? Sounds plausible to me.
  11. People generally don't incorporate in these circumstances until they need to. I've worked in plenty of processes where the binding bid document simply refers in general terms to 'a UK limited company, to be incorporated in due course' because it saves the hassle of setting one up and then closing it all back down again if the other conditions of the sale are not fulfilled. I'd disagree with that slightly. I agree that in a normal bid scenario you would establish the company and acquire within a few days. However I've seen clients establish just to reserve the name and then never use the company again. It's really not that much hassle - it costs £40 to incorporate a company (£120 same day) and not much more to terminate. For large corporates that's less than 15 minutes of legal fees. You wouldnt reserve the name of a company if you were a billionaire though? Especially since the name is irrelevant in this case.
  12. Just as we were about to lock this place up. Can we have a thread title update?
  13. If this is true (I'm kind of joking), its confirmation that Ashley is on his way. He wouldnt spend money on some seats.
  14. People generally don't incorporate in these circumstances until they need to. I've worked in plenty of processes where the binding bid document simply refers in general terms to 'a UK limited company, to be incorporated in due course' because it saves the hassle of setting one up and then closing it all back down again if the other conditions of the sale are not fulfilled. So, in short, unless you actually thought you were about to need it, you wouldnt set one up?
  15. If we take Caulkins cryptic tweet earlier & the timeline for registering & completing the last purchase, my guess is Tomorow / Friday Missed this, what tweet?
  16. I know it Twitter bollocks etc but someone on another nufc forum (what?) Claimed that he'd seen texts from Midhat saying that it would be done (PL checks) this weekend, with confirmation next week. The person was reliable... apparently.
  17. I kind of understand Douglas' cautiousness but I imagine, if this is true we are going to see a major shift in positivity from journalists.
  18. It actually says unrelated to NUFC, in that article.
  19. She set up some companies, none blatantly linked to Nufc though. Again, if true...
  20. Gut says fake. If it's not well... its 100% happening. Midhat is also called Sheikh, just to confuse things.
  21. Not one of those facts is verifiable. Also, all it actually suggests is that BZG know the price. They haven't paid for the club. "That paperwork" just refers to a bit of paper passed to the league stating the price agreed. Theres no requirement for the sale to happen at all. Anyone could sign that bit of paper. That is if those FACTS are actually facts. If it were any other club I'd say it would happen, but us? No chance. Imma keep tweeting him asking how he knows they're facts. That said that's my only worry, I'm not interested in getting bogged down in semantics and future scenarios where Ashley torpedoes the deal. For me if they've written the agreement, provided proof of funds and details are with the PL as this lad is claiming then it's done. I disagree that none of the facts is verifiable; they all are if you have access to the evidence, which this Sun journalist may well have had through whomever leaked the story to him. If the PL has in its possession a head of terms document in which a price is agreed and which has been signed by Ashley and the other party than that's where we are (and according to the second statement have been for 6 weeks) and if this bloke has seen the document or seen credible evidence of its existence why should he not be allowed to state these are the facts. Because other journalists and fans don't have the access level he does and are bitter/anxious about it? If he has seen the evidence people being cynical about it/him doesn't change the facts, does it? We know his version of events has been validated in two separate statements from the buyer, which adds significant weight to his claims. My worry is not if these claims are true or not (they most probably are), but what progress has or hasn't been made since. We've been here before with Ashley, multiple times, although perhaps not quite this far. I won't be able to believe the club has been freed from Ashley's shackles until I read the club statement confirming it. Even if they are facts it doesn't mean we're getting sold unfortunately, just means both parties have agreed on a price. IF they have provided proof of funds AND agreed a price, it should be a formality. I just don't believe this to be the case. It never is that simple with us (read, Ashley). Your whole arguement is, "we have MA, therefore good things wont happen." While that is understandable, admirable even, it's going in the face of the said evidence. Of course, you dispute the evidence but it makes it very hard to have a rational conversation with you, as you just say "I dont believe that," or "what about last time." Ultimately, none of us "know" how far along this thing is, and all of us are sceptical to varying degrees. All I will say is, dont trample on peoples hope, because whether it goes through or not, just for a moment i am enjoying the fantasy of having MA gone, and I'm entitled to do that.
  22. Douglas has been putting pressure on NUFC to say something, to his credit.
  23. It's totally true that a day without news knocks like 10% off your confidence. By the time a week goes by, its like, na not happening. Fuck knows but something will happen this week, if not with the takeover, it might be Rafa. Fingers crossed.
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