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Everything posted by STM

  1. Charnley surrounded by empty seats. Lovely.
  2. Embarrassing. It's as low as I've ever felt. What a waste.
  3. He had pace that killed defenders and was a decent finisher. He was very good, for a short period of time. Sadly for him, how long you remain at the highest level, ultimately defines you. Theres plenty of one season wonders, or players who shine for several seasons but few who last the distance and become true greats of the modern era. The likes of Lampard, Gerrard, Shearer, Terry etc etc did it for over a decade and lead the clubs with heart and desire. Micheal Owen will go down as a talented, mercenary, crock, who shone in a few high profile moments but will never feature in a list of all time greats, certainly not in terms of club football. When referring to Owen, people will say "he was decent", when talking about Shearer, nothing more will need to be said.
  4. I'm pleased but will he care, i mean how much is this going to hurt MA in the pocket?
  5. You could argue Atsu is better than an unproven ASM, that Manquillo is better than Krafth and that Fernandez at CB is a good thing. Of course Dummett will offer little going forward but we should be solid down that side.
  6. Didnt celebrate. Cunts the lot of them.
  7. Excellent post. I can't add anything more.
  8. I've basically decided that if a takeover doesn't happen, I wont be following the club anymore, it's not my club, its Mike Ashley's club. Of course I will keep an eye on results but I wont be invested anymore and that's even if by some miracle they do keep Rafa. If a takeover happens, I will see you all then. Respect to you all, you are good people with your hearts in the right place and keep fighting the good fight. Laters.
  9. You look silly anyway. FFS, beat me to it. :lol:
  10. Aye, hes been told dozens of times and keeps coming.
  11. Really getting off Topic, it was Bounty happen, I really want to Breakaway from it all.
  12. If I may weigh in, foxs crunch creams.
  13. Could be insignificant but it belongs in here. (Could be giggs)
  14. This. I cannot comprehend how anyone can think he'd sell his only guaranteed profitable business in order to support a litany of failing ones. Where is his profit the club is 111 million pound in debt. He hasn't made one penny from running NUFC. Have a look at the accounts man and please show me where Mike Ashley has made a profit from the club since his initial investment. Please do try though :lol: He's made a lot more than a penny, that's not to say it'll show in the accounts. How you do not get this I do not know. Show me then, it was stated on here that Ashley would not sell up as he has will continue to make his yearly profit out of NUFC. The accounts show this is not the case, granted I totally accept it's due to absolute mismanagement when buying the club and the two relegation's. I don't know the full extent of it to be honest, I don't think anyone will until he's long gone. However, free advertising for Sports Direct for 10+ years for one (supposed to be paying for it now, but how much money will the club actually see from this?), Sports Direct making the bulk of profit from merchandising, the sale of club land needed for expansion just to name a few ways he benefits. A close look at what he did at Rangers would probably give a better idea, but to say he hasn't made a penny out of owning us is just wrong. He hasnt made any money owning us. Not a chance.
  15. I think it's clear that Sean is either a kid or is a WUM. If he wants to learn about NUFC accounts he should look at Chris Holts stuff on Twitter. Yes Mike Ashley has had free advertising but hes lost a lot of money with NUFC, most of it because of his own mismanagement.
  16. Me too, I'm ready to be impregnated with happiness. I'm not even going to have a go at Gallowgate End or CDM today, that's how happy I am. That's fucking happy.
  17. Who's spun a tale? And who's fooled? And who's gained? You will have to explain that f***ing nonsense in more depth, please. Ashley 90% of posters in this thread Ashley Hope that's cleared it up Go for a f***ing lie down for f***s sake, endless s**** bags of s****. He asked a question I answered it Badly, with your usual weapons grade horseshit.
  18. Who's spun a tale? And who's fooled? And who's gained? You will have to explain that f***ing nonsense in more depth, please. Ashley 90% of posters in this thread Ashley Hope that's cleared it up :lol: He did well to get BZG to play along, I will give him that and pay for countless lawyers. And how has he gained again? Missed that part. Oh aye he hasnt.
  19. Hes as good as gone at this stage. Theres no way he is staying for MA, after they have wasted the month of June, when one of his main issues was the lack action early on in the summer. No takeover means no Rafa.
  20. Who's spun a tale? And who's fooled? And who's gained? You will have to explain that fucking nonsense in more depth, please.
  21. Sounds fair, but you will only get put down again.
  22. Shut up man truth hurts ey. I know I know You can't go on like that spouting bollocks for weeks on end and then when it turns out to be total s*** not expect to be called out on it If the takeover doesn’t happen you may have a point. You can’t go ‘calling someone out’ because you’ve decided it’s not happening in your wee head ya mad man Ha ha fair one. I will come back in 11 days then Or just don’t come back This. Absolute shite craic.
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