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  1. samag

    Garang Kuol

    Looks a real talent. Still at school . Hopefully our scouts are on to him .
  2. samag

    Garang Kuol

    He's just scored for Australia.
  3. samag

    Transfer rumours

    I think we will sign some free transfers, that no other clubs want .
  4. samag

    Transfer rumours

    https://jleaguewatch.com/2021/07/30/vissel-kobe-sign-yoshinori-muto/ Another one off the wage bill .?
  5. samag

    Jeff Hendrick

    Has not improved the midfield one little bit . Not sure he is even an upgrade on Saivet. Pointless Bruce signing.
  6. samag

    Transfer rumours

    Out, Yedlin and Ritchie In, Atsu and Saviet. No new signings,
  7. samag

    Transfer rumours

    Looking . That's is far as it will go .
  8. Just go Bruce , you are simply too far out of your depth .
  9. I'm not saying it will/won't happen. But why would Bein (Qatar) pay £500m for PL rights (which is the same they paid last time and included broadcasting in Saudi) if they didn't think Saudi were going to allow them to start broadcasting? Surely they'd pay less on the basis the PL rights aren't worth as much to them? If anything, I would think this a concession from Saudi and it'll be officially confirmed at some point that Saudi will allow Bein to be aired in their country. Why would Newcastle vote against it? Maybe because Ashley believes Bein cost him over 300 million pounds .
  10. I'm sure the PL would much rather paying Ashley a settlement fee than getting dragged through court, but could the PL afford a fee substantial enough to make Ashley not pursue legal action? Ashley is out of pocket anything up to and around at least £100 million - this number comes from the determination that the current takeover agreement was for £300 million and the estimate is that any new valuation (post COVID19) for NUFC would likely be substantially less than that (e.g. around £200 million or less, the difference being the £100 million). So, if he pursued the PL in the courts then he would likely seek damages of around £100 million + legal costs. Other conversations have suggested that the buying consortium might sue the PL to recover their £17 million deposit (I won't address the legitimacy or otherwise of that claim here), but there have also been suggestions that having to pay out £17 million would likely bankrupt the League. So, if the PL wanted to pay out Ashley (to prevent a court case), how much could the PL afford? Could the PL afford a large enough payout to make Ashley go away (e.g. £10 million would only be 10% of Ashley's likely/potential claim), without bankrupting themselves? Good points , i had no idea that even 17 million could bankrupt them .
  11. If Ashley takes legal action action against the premier league. I wonder if they would rather offer Ashley a decent out of court settlement than get dragged though the courts .
  12. I am sure Ashley will this to go though . Cant see anyone else that will be willing to pay 300 million at the moment for a bottom half of the table team, that needs major investment on the field also.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/163862890631729/posts/1218943921790282/ Optus sport now reporting it here in Australia
  14. Plus bring him in after pre season has started , give him little if any say in transfers. What could possibly go wrong ?
  15. samag

    Transfer rumours

    It's just a normal transfer window . Nothing changes .
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