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Posts posted by Memphis

  1. There is no "push on". That phrase should be eliminated from the vocabulary of any Newcastle supporter.


    There is no "potential" because you'll struggle to find a single player who's done anything other than get worse with our clueless coaching staff.


    So what is there?


    Stockholm Syndrome has set in amongst a far-too-large portion of our fans and we are approaching the point where an entire generation of Newcastle fans will think the extent of success is avoiding relegation and maintaining our position atop the financial tables. The team get a huge groundswell of support after scoring a 3rd to take the lead against Palace and it scares Pardew to death. No wonder our home record is so shit. We have a manager afraid of his own shadow and scared to be even more exposed as a fraud than has already happened.

  2. It's the drip, drip drip effect that I can't understand them not seeing.


    Take Swansea for example, a club, with no disrespect to them, we were light years ahead of a whil back. They will comfortably finish ahead of us, not just this season, but barring implosions, they are building steadily year on year. So thats one more club ahead of us now.

    Everton too, a club, at least in terms of PL history we should be matching...now comfortably ahead of us.


    So say we survive, cos Palace, Burnley or Leicester can't hack it...We have still gone backwards. And all it takes is for a Forest, Leeds, Wolves to come up, invest and plan ahead and that's us bumped down the order again...Year on year being left behind by the top teams and out done, overtaken by similar sized clubs.


    let's be honest if the Mackems got their arse in gear there's another bunch to overtake us.

    Year on year a slide to a dogfight.


    The games awash with money. Obscene amounts of it. we don't need to spend like Citeh but christ almighty lets actually invest something. With a plan, and a manager, and a board with ambition.


    Pointless rant I know.


    More of the same to come with the current rotten regime.


    It's just so short sighted.


    I think that's very well put, sadly.


    The extent of our ambition is merely to stand still. We barely spend enough even to do that. We couldn't possibly sanction moves with any ambition whatsoever. 


    The point of sport is to excel. Other than as a commercial shop window I'm still working out what the point of Newcastle United is these days.

  3. Every transfer deadline day, rumours sprout up only to be followed by the terse mutterings of Lee Ryder:


    @lee_ryder just got word #nufc not interested in (insert exciting, wonderful potential signing here)


    So the clock is starting. I assume the Nastasic tweet will come shortly.

  4. Torn here between wanting to see common sense signings of a striker and centre back while also wanting to see Pardew out as quickly as possible.


    Signings that extend his time here are ultimately counterproductive.


    That said, Nastasic should be a no-brainer signing if available. But then again, keeping MYM would have been, too.

  5. It is really so simple and has been discussed at length.


    Our purchasing policy consists of:


    1. Buying theoretically promising players under the age of 21 for <2m with the hope they kick on and become assets down the line.

    2. Buying quality, younger first team players around 25 or younger, but only in specific circumstances (last year of contract, dispute with current team, reduced price, clearance sale, etc)

    3. In cases where 1 and 2 don't apply, loans are a useful way to avoid risk and transfer outlay while acquiring talent.


    In the first 2/3 of the pitch, our policy works well enough and has generated bargains on a relatively frequent basis. But you cannot count on our policy to be able to consistently get excellent strikers. We have been amazingly fortunate with Remy and Ba. We bought Cisse and he's ultimately been disappointing in spite of his incredible start. That confluence of events has led us to a policy that will never lead to a top class forward's arrival.


    It's like golf. Going from shooting 90 to 80 is simple enough, but 80 to 75 is tough, and 75 to 72 is incredibly hard. At the top end, you have to work hard and spend a lot to get the difference between a 7/10 and an 8/10 striker. We don't have the balls to try.


  6. If you're a parent, clearly your top priority is taking care of your kids. That is the thing you need to absolutely do.


    That doesn't mean that you let your dog die. You can also feed him, too.


    If you had to pick one, you'd pick the kids. But it really isn't that hard to take care of both.

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