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Posts posted by Memphis

  1. Almost everyone is a mercenary at whatever job they happen to have.


    Company A is limited in scope and offers little room for advancement. Company B -- a better run and more ambitious outfit -- wants to hire you for more money. In any walk of life that's pretty much a simple decision.


    It's up to our club to display the sort of ambition that would allow for those types of employees to feel fulfilled. We won't, so they'll forever be moving onwards. And the Big Boy will happily line his pockets (even in a limited fashion) and then use the excuse that we simply can't compete. Rinse and repeat ad nauseam.

  2. Eh, how does that quote suggest we don't want to win things?



    /not saying your sentiment is wrong, but there must be a more apt quote than that out there.


    There are but I think that sums up the attitude of "just be decent and if you're better than that then OK" pretty well. For a player talking of Champions League a quote like that would be jarring.


    Your point is fair and if I had more time to do it I'd find better examples.

  3. http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/Fans/FansForum/0,,10278~3831748,00.html


    SH: "Fans want to know why that has occurred and how we are going to put it right. We should want to be the best we can be."


    The board agreed and explained that while a top ten finish was the minimum aim, everyone at the club wanted to finish as high up the table as possible.


    No one send the link to the minutes from the Fans' Forum to Siem, OK, he seems happy believing we want to win things. Hate to ruin his day.

  4. Level 1 - Scouting

    Level 2 - Monitoring

    Level 3 - Enquiring




    Level 4 - Unsettling

    Level 5 - Annoying

    Level 6 - Offering

    Level 7 (theoretical) - Signing




    Level 4 - Re-monitoring

    Level 5 - Re-enquiring

    Level 6 - Waiting

    Level 7 - Failing


  5. "We was going to always struggle to compete wif teams before the World Cup but after the tournament we will struggle to meet the inflated valuations. We're trying to stay within the confines of our communication without losing the loop on some key targets but getting them over the line in this moveable feast will take some doing. We just have to thank Mike Ashley for paying for my mobile bill so I can ring up Lee and Graham to find out who we can't afford to sign."

  6. Every transfer article just reads so ridiculously. Mentions of a "transfer kitty" are equally laughable.


    I feel bad for the journalists who have to fill up space with the nonsense but every one of these pieces should be thrown in a pile and burned. Nothing to write about until someone's at SJP holding up the shirt. Anything else is pointless.

  7. Ribery out for sure - I'd say there's a very decent chance Cabella plays a relatively prominent role now. Lacazette might replace Ribery too, knocking off another potential target.

  8. L'Equipe said Cabella's been very impressive in the French camp and would be the coaches' preferred replacement once Ribery is officially ruled out, though they suggest it could also be one of two other of our one-time "targets" (such as they are), Alexandre Lacazette or Florian Thauvin, that ultimately replaces him.

  9. NUFC PL goalscorers 2013/14:


    Loic Remy 14

    Yohan Cabaye 7

    Yoan Gouffran 6

    Hatem Ben Arfa 3

    Moussa Sissoko 3

    Shola Ameobi 2

    Papiss Cisse 2

    Vurnon Anita 1

    Mathieu Debuchy 1

    Paul Dummett 1

    Steven Taylor 1

    OG 2




    That'd be a grand total of 11 goals coming back (and 2 own goals).



  10. Only 23 teams have ever won a top-flight League title. Ever. Only 8 other teams have finished as runners-up but not won a title. So that's 31 in total over 115 years.


    And of the 115 different top-flight titles that have been  up for grabs in history, 5 clubs have won 65 of them. Meaning the other 18 teams have won only 50 titles between them. It was ever thus.


    In the first 22 seasons of top-flight football, 7 different teams won. In the 22 years of the Premier League, 5 different teams have.


    Winning the league is by design a virtually impossible task for all but the best squads, of which there are destined to be a very select few. The way those few have come to be is different now but their existence is not.


  11. How can anyone defend Shola here?




    Dowd likes to talk a lot, everyone knows that, once you've gotten the yellow, just shut up and get on with it. You want to stamp the constant moaning from players out of the game, you do things like that. I have no sympathy for Shola. Just stop talking.


    And Pardew shouldn't defend it or try to justify it after the match. It's just a dumb thing to do, regardless of how shit the referee's decisions have been.

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