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Posts posted by Memphis

  1. Seems a complete waste of time at this point if we're only now submitting a concrete bid. Unless...


    ...we have been given assurances that he would have some interest




    ...we have no actual intention of spending the money, but want to appear as though we would


    Otherwise, what's the point now? And at this stage, certainly Ince or someone in that vein would make more sense in virtually every facet.

  2. I miss the fact we used to do a little bit of random transfer business - more than one deal done right out of the blue, completely taking this board by surprise. Now it's a tedious slog through hours and hours of ridiculous rumours about one or two players who will almost certainly not sign, without the hope that there's a surprise or two in the offing.



  3. I remember when I used to have summer reading assignments in class. I would have all summer to get those assignments done, read those books, and feel good about it.


    Then came the end of August. I had one weekend left to read 15 books for the semester I opening test.


    Turns out if I had just told my instructors that my knowledge was plenty big enough for an average finish, I might just have gotten away with it.

  4. "I still think we are short of quality players and we have to compete with the best in the Premiership [sic] but we need to be stronger."


    "That's the difference. I spend my whole life' date=' picking up the phone, talking to Alex Ferguson, week in, week out, what would you do, what would you do? Pick the phone up at any time of day and speak to Arsene Wenger. I can pick the phone up and speak to any manager in the league, any manager in all divisions."[/quote']


    ""Last season was a disappointing one but the simple truth was that the squad just wasn't strong enough"


    "I'm waiting for a nod to bring in a couple of strikers."


    "I’m travelling here' date=' there and everywhere. I’m tied up seeing at least three or four agents per day and at least getting a hitlist of players. Finding out the budget, finding out their wages, what kind of salary we can go to. I’m well aware that everybody is concerned and rightly so."[/quote']




    "Before the season started' date=' we had sat down and agreed the squad was big enough, and strong enough, to finish in the top half of the table. But we are working together – not plotting against each other."[/quote']





  5. Speaks volumes about the state of affairs when we're so desperately crying out for additions yet can hardly be arsed to be linked with anyone. We've got a week left in the window, have significant needs, had money to spend as of June - though that seems to have been forgotten now - yet are clutching at straws.

  6. I don't quite get the mentality of those saying it's useless to complain about Pardew as he's just a symptom of a bigger problem.


    Surely if you had cancer, for example, and it caused you to develop severe nausea, you'd want to at least take something to make the nausea go away. Sure, it doesn't cure the cancer, but it does make a big difference in how you feel.


    While Ashley's the owner, nothing good will happen, granted. But at least a manager who spoke with positivity and used the players to their best effect would help make things a bit better, right? It isn't a complete inevitability that we have to play such a dour style of football even if the club itself is rancid from top to bottom.

  7. Last time Newcastle scored 3 in a Premier League match - Sissoko's debut brace leading to the 3-2 Chelsea win on 2 February.


    Prior to that we scored 3 against Arsenal and ManUtd but lost both matches as you'll recall. The only other time last season was 3-0 win against Wigan on 3 December.

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