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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Unbelievable

    NUFC Kits

    No should play football with the shirt tucked past the age of twelve. It is imbecilic. The kit looks fine on our players, anyway.
  2. Unbelievable

    NUFC Kits

    you weren't around in 97-99 then? Nope, well I was, but I didn't support NUFC. I lived in Newcastle between 2004 and 2006, got the offer to take on somebody's season ticket and got the bug.
  3. Unbelievable

    NUFC Kits

    Worst NUFC shirt since I started supporting the club. It's seriously vile.
  4. Just preseason, means nowt..
  5. And you get in eventually. Imagine how it feels for the rest of us..
  6. Let me guess, Simpson and/or Williamson?
  7. The black background on my loading stream has just turned white. Am I close to getting in? Edit: it's turned black again..
  8. I can see why.. It's fucking hideous!
  9. Newcastle. The board name is a bit of a give away. Ta marra
  10. Connection failed: application rejected connection
  11. Damn, I had it running yesterday and killed it..
  12. Not really. We've got reasonable cover in Perch and Raylor, and if worst comes to worse we have Ferguson and Tavernier who can come in. Ideally yes, but I'd say we've got more pressing concerns in centre back and forward positions.
  13. So is Steve Bruce. Your point being? It means nothing if the person ignores it. I'm stumped. No idea what you're on about.
  14. So is Steve Bruce. Your point being?
  15. I agree, provided it is a low fee and on low wages and doesn't demand first team football. But i can't see that for various reasons tbh. Same here, hence why I said theoretically. Still, as he is a born and bred Geordie who may feel he had and subsequently lost everything he's ever dreamed of he may well be prepared to compromise. That's just his side of the matter though, can't see Lambiass, Pardew, Liverpool, etc all be willing to play along. Liverpool especially would look like right mugs if he came back here for a small portion of the original fee and started scoring and playing again like he did before they got him.
  16. He clearly bottled the chance man. I think the dive wasn't bourn from malice, more like panic in the face of scoring against the club he, his friends and family supports.
  17. I'd theoretically still welcome Carroll back with open arms if we could get him for a low fee and reasonable wages and he came to be a member of the squad without guarantees of first team football. He'd be perfect as a plan B and good foil for both Ba and Cisse. With Simpson and Williamson hopefully not featuring so much I can't see us resorting to long ball so much even when he's up there, and it would give us a whole different dimension from set pieces, something we've been ridiculously bad at since he left.
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