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Posts posted by danswan

  1. I reckon that out of the 52,000 at St James roughly 30-35,000 are tone deaf (if not more).


    So how come all the sons (at any ground) all sound perfectly in tune?


    In particular I'm thinking of You'll never work again at Anfield, having worked with a lot of Anfield ST holders I know they couldn't sing for toffee, yet it sounds almost pitch perfect in the gorund


    Superb question!!


    My guess would be what you hear is the average tone - a certain percentage will be flat, the others sharp.


    I bet Professor Heinz Wolff from the Great Egg race would know the answer.

  2. Crouch is a much better player than a lot of people give him credit for.


    Aye I would take him here as a Shola or Dooks replacement in a flash tbh. His last goal for England was superb.

  3. We'll see. I hope so. Technically, he a good player but doesn't seem to have a forward's movement around the box. I think if Sam is seriously thinking about using him up front, he could do worse than trying to teach him to think like a striker again.


    With Martins gone in Jan...Smith/Owen or Fatuka will have to be worked at...More importantly I'd like to see a couple of midfielders come in the Jan window with creative and pace components.


    I'd rather lose any of the other strikers than lose Martins.


    Well he's off whether you like it or not. Unless we cut Shola's legs off at the knees and send him instead?

  4. What people are failing to realise is that if Smith is occupying a forward position--in place of Viduka--that's one less goal-scorer we have on the pitch. It might work, but goals win you just as many games as graft.

    He's more of a creator of goals tbf. A lack of goals will always be his problem though.


    Its his movement. Absolutely abysmal. He never gets anywhere near the 6 yard box to get a chance. Always dropping off or summat. I reckon its all been coached out of him when Taggart tried to turn him into a poor mans Robbie Savage. Sir Alex "Greatest manager ever " Ferguson has destroyed his career tbh. :knuppel2:


    Spot on. Definitely not one of SAF's finest hours. Have people forgotten the type of goals he scored for Leeds?? The boy can finish. It's just been removed from his arsenal in the last few seasons, and he will need to get it back slowly. As I said earlier, if Smith can regain his goalscoring touch, it could make a huge difference to our season, and could be the single most important thing for the team to move forward that extra step up into the top 6


    I can remember him and Micky Bridges scoring some crackers in the champions league.

  5. What people are failing to realise is that if Smith is occupying a forward position--in place of Viduka--that's one less goal-scorer we have on the pitch. It might work, but goals win you just as many games as graft.


    True, but if you can't win/keep the ball in the opposition's half you can have 11 goalscorers on the pitch, wont make a difference. Plus I'm sure he will weigh in with goals if he plays there all the time, he's never been prolific but give him a season and he'll get 10-15 I would have thought.

  6. Eh?


    I thought last night was the sort of performance we expected from an Allardyce team? Milner's advanced position made us into a 4-3-3 for large part of the game.


    I don't recall us pushing up as much in previous matches. Against some of the poorer sides the main criticism has been that we have been too defensive and there has been a definite change to that and I think most people would have noticed the difference.



    Agreed, it just felt 'Allardyce-esque', whatever the fuck that means.


    similar to 'Burlesque' but where they all have huge papier maché heeds?

  7. Kevin Davies was the key to how Bolton played when they were winning. Smith fits this style perfectly, but better IMO and if we are playing one up top it should be him.

  8. I can't see that Barton has anything to explain. His words have done the team, the manager and the fans a lot of good, as we can see from the last two performances and the support.


    Keegan, not for the first time, is talking out of his arse.


    Barton's outburst has been directly responsible for the backing the team has received tonight, the first home game for ages where we have backed them from beginning to end.


    If he meant it, it was a stroke of genius. Let's keep it going now.

  9. If we could combine the attitude of Smith, Butt, Milner and Oba with the skill of Zoggy, Emre, Dooks and Owen we'd be set.


    Throw in a bit of 'Killer' Kilcline's facial hair and you could be onto something. Any budding Dr Frankensteins out there?

  10. Get him in, will probably improve our qualiying record a la Sven, we will always fail at the penultimate hurdle in tournaments though. At least until the english mentality changes and we have a decent number of our best players plying their trade abroad IMO.



    True, we basically have no bottle. Practicing penalties "every day" like SGE said isn't could enough if your only player with any bottle is a German / Canadian cross breed.


    Shearer had balls of steel and he never played abroad..  I mean you're right that few of our current players have the bottle for pressure situations (other then maybe Owen and possibly Rooney) but I don't think playing abroad is what gives you bottle..


    I never mentioned bottle. I just think our players are happy with their lot and are unwilling to complete their footballing education by moving to another country to see how it's done there.


    Lampard, Gerrard, Ashley Cole, players like this have had opportunities to move abroad but as yet have declined. As our biggest failing is the inability to control posession, and in turn the game, these are qualities that are part and parcel of the game on the continent and surely being involved in this environment all the time would have to help. 



    Eh? Why? How many Italians, Greeks or Germans play abroad?


    TBH the greeks were a one-off. The Italian and German domestic games seem inherently suited to achieving success at international level, just look at their records. England have only qualified for one major semi-final in our history when the tournament hasn't been held in this country.


    Not saying this is the only reason, but to me it has to be a pretty important one

  11. Get him in, will probably improve our qualiying record a la Sven, we will always fail at the penultimate hurdle in tournaments though. At least until the english mentality changes and we have a decent number of our best players plying their trade abroad IMO.

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