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Posts posted by danswan

  1. Statistics is what football is measured on. Goals win matches. A striker who doesn't score more than 3 goals a season really isn't doing his job properly.


    Would you give a shit if we were winning?

    Well, he hasn't scored goals, and we havent been winning as well as we'd like.


    We have a really tough 2nd half of the season, and will need both strikers (and contributions from MF) if we are to pick up enough wins to finish in the top 8.


    That wasn't the question - just taking him to task regarding this goals thing, it's a load of bollocks. If a team is winning, it doesn't matter that one of your strikers isn't scoring. He is obviously contributing elsewhere, and others are obviously making up for his shortfall as the team is winning.


    Of course I appreciate that we aren't winning, or at least not consistently and as such Smith's lack of scoring becomes more of a problem.


    I'm certain he will score a few this season - bear in mind he has played what, 3 games up front this season? Give him a run of 10 starts on the trot up front, I would expect 1-3 goals from him, but I would also expect to see us winning and keeping the ball in opposition territory a lot more, leading to more goals from others.

  2. Wonder why our website didnt have anything on it or they havnt posted it just yet.Anyway,I thought Boro had a strong side too but the most shocking news is Viduka missing the penalty.Great to see Duff scoring again though.Hahahaha!


    Sheer class. You have just secured my vote in whatever section you may be nominated in that awards thing.Hahahaha!

  3. Ben Haim shoudl not need time to settle into the premiership.


    Seems to me like he was a big fish in a small pond, and now he's way out of his league.


    Good enough for us? We are unarguably a medium-sized club with aspirations of the top 6, so maybe he would be ok. We've carried (and are carrying) worse defenders, certainly.


    Mind, Fat Sam would probably put him on the right wing or something.


    I love how you go out of your way to make negative opinions of everything regarding our club. I very much doubt any of these are your opinions, in fact i know they are not because i seem to remember you giving some very good (accurate) comments about the club 3 years ago when i joined this forum.


    If these are your opinions then fine but seriously i'd like to see the other opinions return because they were much better and a far more enjoyable read.


    The Souness era has transformed him into a twisted, evil shadow of his former self. And who can blame him?

  4. I think we should stop fucking around with these old systems and bite the bullet and create one of our own. Here's one I created, I call it the 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1.


    It looks like this:














    A strong spine.

  5. Its hard to feel any sympathy (at this stage, afaik no-one is dead). I'm not saying that because they are Rags. But because going to watch your team play in Rome is on a par to sticking your hand in a toaster. Obviously the purportrators are scum and I make no attempt to excuse their behavior, but the fact that there are italian football "fans" who like to stab people should come as a shock to absolutely nobody, especially fans of teams who go over there every 5 minutes. Why bother going. Its not like the game means owt or anything. Have you seen their team?

    While i hate Man Utd myself, i can't help thinking your views are magnified because you happen to follow their Derby rivals.

    If Man city played in Rome most of your lot would want to go.

    Each travelling fan must accept they go at their own risk, but they can't be criticised for following their team. As for the Man U fans going looking for trouble, you may be right, but you can't know that.

    No ground in Europe should be a no-go area.


    Trouble finds those looking for it, simple as.  There were a few thousand other Mancs that managed not to get shanked.  I'm with Specky on this one. 


    Eh? Do you also mean that a granny who gets mugged on the street 'must' have deserved it as a few other thousand granny's didn't get robbed?


    Well how come all the other ones managed to avoid it? Maybe she was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Are You looking at me, cunt'

  6. Now look at the bigger teams, the teams looking to progress, did they  utilise the jan period as prolifically as the teams you;ve mentioned. Nope. Why? becasue they see they major flaws inthe Jan period.[


    Sweet jesus!!!! Because the players they want are more than likely cup tied for the CL or the clubs they want to buy off are challanging for a league title/CL places or are still in the CL. I thought everyone new that :kasper:


    Your looking at the whole club from the first XI to the tea lady!!!! SUPERFAN ALERT


    The tea lady's role can never be underestimated. Not at this level.

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