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Posts posted by danswan

  1. It would be almost impossible for Shearer to be doing a worse job than the current manager is.


    And this would be based on what exactly?


    How could he do worse?  Play Shay Given up front?, because that might just be Allardyces next brain wave :)  Seriously to do better then Allardyce all that is required is to not think your a tactical genius and instead just use a basic formation with everyone in there best position and say "go and play".


    He should have picked up a thing or two about long range shooting.  :razz:


    Aye but he would get fined for trying.

  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/england/merseyside/7168024.stm


    Everton submit new stadium plans


    Plans for Everton Football Club's new £400m stadium in Kirkby have officially been submitted to the local authority.



    The application for the 50,000-seat ground, a joint venture with supermarket giant Tesco, has been received by Knowsley Council.


    The plans have been opposed by some Kirkby residents as well as people who believe Everton Football Club should remain in Liverpool.


    The proposal also features the construction of 50 retail outlets.


    The stadium and superstore plan is also being pitched as an opportunity to regenerate the existing town centre which will see the development of leisure facilities such as hotels, bars and restaurants and investment in the existing Kirkby Market.




    Keith Wyness, chief executive of Everton Football Club said: "This represents the next, key stage in what has been a complex and demanding process.


    "We remain very optimistic about what is hugely-ambitious and significant project."


    The application also details infrastructure and public improvements to Kirkby with around £10m earmarked for road improvements and further funding for boundary treatments designed to lessen the impact of the stadium on nearby neighbourhoods.


    But Kirkby Residents Action Group oppose the plans claiming it would create a huge volume of match day traffic, impact on the environment and create a loss of green space


    Tony Fletcher, Tesco public affairs manager, said: "We have been working on the Destination Kirkby planning application for the past ten months and we believe that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a development of truly international significance in the heart of Kirkby.


    "We have consulted widely on our suggestions and have received valuable feedback not least from the people of Kirkby who have attended exhibitions and meetings with us."


    If the application is successful developers hope to begin work later in the year.


    How would you feel if we moved from SJP and built the new ground six miles away?


    If it was six miles closer to me, delighted!



  3. So who do you think is most likely to get the job if Big Sam is sacked? (Not who is best for job)

    I don't think it'll be Shearer. I don't know who it'll be but someone with a proven track record would be my guess. Apppointing Shearer seems too much of a risk.


    That's the sensible, logical way to approach this impending appointment.


    This is Newcastle United.

  4. had SSN on since I woke up, and they periodically keep going back to the situation at our beloved(?) club, saying "Sam is up against it", "Sam is on the brink" etc etc etc.  They've had Darren Lewis on from the Mirror, reviewing a Sun article, and saying that Sam faces an uphill struggle, that the team that lost to Wigan contained 5 of his own signings - basically it's his fault.  They keep mentioning that Ashley sits with the fans, and "they'll be telling him what they think". (Just to digress, has anyone bumped into him at any games?  Did they have a conversation with him and tell him what they think?  A little bit more press bullshit methinks).  All in all, the press appear to be calling for Sam's head more than the fans - so they have something to write about.


    However, after clambering out of my pit, and sipping on a black coffee (and burning my tongue), I began to think about the logical consequence of sacking Sam.  And my conclusion is that it would only mean we would have no manager, and perhaps a clean-ish slate to try and clamber up the table in the vain hope of getting an Intertoto spot.


    My first thought about whether we'll give Sam the boot is in the financial cost.  Immediately I thought of the cost to Mr. Ashley.  Allardyce hasn't even seen out a year of his contract, and I'm quite sure he won't be employed as our manager on a paltry sum of money.  Then, on top of that, there's the cost of all his kronies.  When most managers are sacked, their assistant(s) and perhaps a first-team coach go too.  A total of 5/6 people tops.  However, we get rid of Sam, and we're laying off 20-odd people IIRC.  Moreover, if I am to believe the bullshit I am fed through what we call the British Press, Sam has only just finished building this mass collection of "backroom staff".  If Mort (with Ashley's money) was prepared to keep backing him as far as perhaps 2 weeks ago, then to sack him would be a ludacris, knee-jerk reaction, because let's face it, no other manager in the world will want all the "sports science performance long-ball-to-viduka-and/or-smith analysers" knocking about at Darsley Park on a day-to-day basis.


    We're getting the impression that Ashley isn't prepared to hand over large sums of money to Sam to spend in January, so to spend it on laying off staff wouldn't make sense.  Argubly it might help to take the club forward, but on the other hand it causes upheaval amongst the players in the middle of the season at a time when the new manager would have to settle with what he has to try and take the club forward.  However, I would much rather Ashley/Mort (let's call them Ashmort) gave Allardyce the vocal/financial backing in January to go out and make signings to improve the team.  For fucks sake, a blind chimp can see we lack creativity in midfield!


    Moreover, there is the cost that Sam has already had to Ashley.  He gave him money to spend in the summer, and Sam spent it.  Some signings have worked (Beye, Faye) and others havn't (Smith, Barton).  And some don't even get a game! (Enrique).  As I mentioned before, Ashley doesn't appear to be prepared to spend his money hand over fist, and so to have already given him however much it all came to, only to then sack him, just doesn't make logical sense.  If Ashley never wanted Sam in the first place, he should have gotten rid as soon as he took over the club in the summer - it wouldn't be strange, we've seen managers last days/weeks before.


    I couldn't watch the Derby game as I was travelling to the capital, but from what I've read, Sam was telling the players to do things, and they weren't doing it.  Fair enough, some if this lies with the coaches, who can't be doing their jobs properly, but also the players.  They've avoided the stick from so many in recent years (even with Bobby's sacking - Kieron "little c***" Dyer refusing to play on the right).  It's about time that lot took a long hard look at themselves, regardless or not if Sam signed them, and counted their lucky stars that they ever made it in the Premier League to earn millions.  Then perhaps when they've learned to appreciate their cushy lifestyles and count themselves fortunate, they think about the poor fuckers that spend money to give them that.


    For fucks sake, is it really asking too much?


    Interesting post. I agree that financially it makes sense to keep the key backroom staff. Doesn't mean we have to keep to organ grinder though.


    Incidentally, what does ludacris mean? I can't find it on dictionary.com.

    is it not actually a word like?  Me mother uses it all the time!  Means rediculous


    O0   Superb.


    What's rediculous? Couldn't find that either.


    I'm pretty sure it means ludacris Parky

  5. had SSN on since I woke up, and they periodically keep going back to the situation at our beloved(?) club, saying "Sam is up against it", "Sam is on the brink" etc etc etc.  They've had Darren Lewis on from the Mirror, reviewing a Sun article, and saying that Sam faces an uphill struggle, that the team that lost to Wigan contained 5 of his own signings - basically it's his fault.  They keep mentioning that Ashley sits with the fans, and "they'll be telling him what they think". (Just to digress, has anyone bumped into him at any games?  Did they have a conversation with him and tell him what they think?  A little bit more press bullshit methinks).  All in all, the press appear to be calling for Sam's head more than the fans - so they have something to write about.


    However, after clambering out of my pit, and sipping on a black coffee (and burning my tongue), I began to think about the logical consequence of sacking Sam.  And my conclusion is that it would only mean we would have no manager, and perhaps a clean-ish slate to try and clamber up the table in the vain hope of getting an Intertoto spot.


    My first thought about whether we'll give Sam the boot is in the financial cost.  Immediately I thought of the cost to Mr. Ashley.  Allardyce hasn't even seen out a year of his contract, and I'm quite sure he won't be employed as our manager on a paltry sum of money.  Then, on top of that, there's the cost of all his kronies.  When most managers are sacked, their assistant(s) and perhaps a first-team coach go too.  A total of 5/6 people tops.  However, we get rid of Sam, and we're laying off 20-odd people IIRC.  Moreover, if I am to believe the bullshit I am fed through what we call the British Press, Sam has only just finished building this mass collection of "backroom staff".  If Mort (with Ashley's money) was prepared to keep backing him as far as perhaps 2 weeks ago, then to sack him would be a ludacris, knee-jerk reaction, because let's face it, no other manager in the world will want all the "sports science performance long-ball-to-viduka-and/or-smith analysers" knocking about at Darsley Park on a day-to-day basis.


    We're getting the impression that Ashley isn't prepared to hand over large sums of money to Sam to spend in January, so to spend it on laying off staff wouldn't make sense.  Argubly it might help to take the club forward, but on the other hand it causes upheaval amongst the players in the middle of the season at a time when the new manager would have to settle with what he has to try and take the club forward.  However, I would much rather Ashley/Mort (let's call them Ashmort) gave Allardyce the vocal/financial backing in January to go out and make signings to improve the team.  For fucks sake, a blind chimp can see we lack creativity in midfield!


    Moreover, there is the cost that Sam has already had to Ashley.  He gave him money to spend in the summer, and Sam spent it.  Some signings have worked (Beye, Faye) and others havn't (Smith, Barton).  And some don't even get a game! (Enrique).  As I mentioned before, Ashley doesn't appear to be prepared to spend his money hand over fist, and so to have already given him however much it all came to, only to then sack him, just doesn't make logical sense.  If Ashley never wanted Sam in the first place, he should have gotten rid as soon as he took over the club in the summer - it wouldn't be strange, we've seen managers last days/weeks before.


    I couldn't watch the Derby game as I was travelling to the capital, but from what I've read, Sam was telling the players to do things, and they weren't doing it.  Fair enough, some if this lies with the coaches, who can't be doing their jobs properly, but also the players.  They've avoided the stick from so many in recent years (even with Bobby's sacking - Kieron "little c***" Dyer refusing to play on the right).  It's about time that lot took a long hard look at themselves, regardless or not if Sam signed them, and counted their lucky stars that they ever made it in the Premier League to earn millions.  Then perhaps when they've learned to appreciate their cushy lifestyles and count themselves fortunate, they think about the poor fuckers that spend money to give them that.


    For fucks sake, is it really asking too much?


    Interesting post. I agree that financially it makes sense to keep the key backroom staff. Doesn't mean we have to keep to organ grinder though.


    Incidentally, what does ludacris mean? I can't find it on dictionary.com.

    is it not actually a word like?  Me mother uses it all the time!  Means rediculous


    O0  Superb.

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