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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. What a strike that was.
  2. Be caked in ragu n all knowing the Italians. Greasy oiks. One of Berlusconi's slags has probably just wiped her fucking lips on it 20 minutes ago.
  3. We give them a pucka plaque and get a fucking flag in return? GTFO. Euro using wankers.
  4. With you all the way there.
  5. How the fuck is that stupid brummie cunt on the TV? Honestly, he's an absolute gimp of the highest order. ITV coverage is toilet.
  6. Minhosa

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    . I bet he's fucking foaming btw. There's every chance he'll shit in his hands and then tango Nasri, the little cunt, before retiring from international football.
  7. Minhosa

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Hopefully this tournament, after being surrounded by moody teammates and a cock of a Manager, HBA will realise just how well he's fitted in at NUFC and see his long term future as being settled with us.
  8. Fucking gutless french cunts. Honestly man, what a way to go out of a tournament.
  9. They're two great strikes from Sweden.
  10. It looks like he hates Carragher which makes him alright in my book.
  11. Jesus - how have England won that group?
  12. Wish some cunt would ban that fucking band.
  13. Did Sheva get booked for that?
  14. Full on abusing Cole after booking him. Strange officiating.
  15. If Cole scores there it pretty much guarantee's us the first place, right?
  16. Under the cosh here. We need an outball and quick.
  17. Agree with the above. Debuchy will have some appreciation of the fact we've been after him for a while, he must have had conversations with NUFC, whether directly or indirectly and will hear good things from Cabaye and HBA etc. I'd day we've got as much chance as anyone, if not more due to the history/length of the relationship.
  18. Minhosa


    Next time he pulls up outside your house, casually walk over, sit in the drivers seat and mention to him that you think one of his brake light covers is cracked. As he jumps from his seat to investigate, slam the car into reverse and end him. The best thing is, you won't even get done. Tell the police he told you to reverse it to check the reverse light and you slipped. Get up.
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