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Posts posted by cosmic

  1. The incurable romantic in me would have liked to see us win some silverware before SBR leaves us forever. Makes Wednesday even more important. I don't understand how the team could ever need anymore motivation to play their socks off mid-week. Do it for Sir Bobby.


    We are fans, many of the players are just employees

  2. Depends if Hughton is still in charge. I would actually rather have Dennis Wise as manager over Hughton, because he'd do a better job and we wouldn't get relegated with him in charge.


    You must be out of your mind !!!!!! Wise should not be anyway near the team. Hughton is not the solution either so we are well and truly f**ked.

  3. As the title says really. We've protested and forced Ashley to try and sell but now it seems he won't be selling any time in the next month or so atleast, no decent manager will come here with the instability and Ashley not funding us anymore likely means no major recruits in January.


    Have we massively overplayed our hand and put ourselves in a situation where we really are in deep, deep trouble.


    The cliche "be careful what you wish for" is sounding too true .......

  4. Kevin Keegan is a coward.


    He's deserted us, betrayed our trust, and left us for dead. "If" we are relegated this season, he should be remembered as one of the great villains in club history.


    I don't care how bad the situation was. There was no justification for walking out when he did. It's simply a case of him putting his pride (or principles, or whatever you want to call it) before the good of the club he claimed to love. What situation if any would convince YOU to resign as manager of Newcastle United on September 1st? He should have never taken the job in the first place, walked out the moment he was undermined in the transfer window, or saw out the season.


    For those of you who say he couldn't have known what would happen. Really? Is it that hard to imagine that KK walking out would cause massive fan discontent, which would make Ashley's position untenable?


    For those of you who say he simply had his bluff called by Ashley and never really meant to leave. That changes nothing, the fact is, at any point he could have come to his senses, swallowed his pride, and come back.



    Now, I'm not saying that the blame for our current crisis lies solely on KK's door. He and Ashley and Wise/Vertre/Llambias are all equally culpable.


    But you know what? I don't hold those other people to the same standards I used to hold KK. I trusted that man absolutely, unconditionally, unequivocally. He's betrayed that trust and left us in freefall.


    He's gone down in my estimation.


    Its not looking good at the moment but let's NOT get all worked up again and start pointing fingers until more of the truth eventually surface. We can blame who we want but we may as well channel our views and energies to the "Save Newcastle  campaign whilst this mess is sorted out

  5. The statement seems loaded to get you on his side. But I hope that is me being cynical.


    Aren't all statements designed to make you feel for the statement issuer. Have you seen a statement that screws themselves up.


    The "IT IS A FACT" statement did not make feel for the statement issuer.


    That's true.   :snod:  That was sheer stupidity at its best.

  6. cant beleive the bit about his family not being safe, surely there was/is never a chance anyone would think of  carrying out physical abuse against him or his child.

    Dont think any arrests were made yesterday in relation to the protests?


    There's always an idiot that may do something like that. But that doesn't mean the rest will behave like that. Fact is there are some nutters out there that will do anyway to get some attention.


    Similarly, don't you think Wise will also have a similar concern now


    i have to say i am very sad reading that statement.


    i also feel ashamed of the part about it not being safe for his family.



    Thats just playing the sympathy card


    Sympathy card? It's the f***ing truth.


    He underestimated the Keegan effect. Of course he will not be able to watch football in SJP with his family. He made a mistake, he admitted it, no one got hurt, let's move on.



    He's not some multi billionaire, yet he comes in and splashs hundreds of millions to save the club


    Keegan walks out because Ashley won't give him a bottomless pit of money to spend, its ridiculous


    Unlike the Ruskie and the Arabs who made their money from oil in the ground, MA had to work for his money. Of course he wouldn't want it to splash it away.


    The oil tycoons have more money than they can ever hope to spend and then more.  So it was never a fair comparison.


    Hope the next owners have got money leaking everywhere and not just an ordinary  billionaire who earned it the hard way

  9. I can see him being in charge for a while now.  I think Ashley will leave the post open if it looks like he can sell up soon and let the new owners deal with it.


    Not to mention no manager will dare to take the job knowing that the current owner is looking to sell out and who knows what the new owner has in mind.


    Bring back Keegan and solve all the problems

  10. Times


    A long campaign is expected. The chances of Ashley being forced out appear mixed, but one prospective bidder for Newcastle - as revealed in The Times on Saturday - offered a glimmer of optimism last night with a denial of an earlier report that ruled out the possibility.


    Gaurav Wahi, the vice-president of Reliance Communications - whose majority stakeholder, Anil Ambani, is claimed to be the world's sixth-richest person - denied describing the story as inaccurate. Wahi stated: “The quote attributed to me surprised me as I have not spoken to anybody.”


    While Wahi would add nothing further, representatives of Ambani's are said to be in London to discuss the possible purchase of a Barclays Premier League club.




    Similar report from Journal today....




    So there is still hope that MA will sell the club soon


    At this time, no further info. As regards Profitable group, me and the rest of the SG mags dislike them severely, a dodgie land bank group that used to be called Profitable Plots, selling plots of land in the UK as investment. They've been stung by the credit crunch and have no finance of their own, plus with Steve McMahon in their midst, a regular pundit on ESPN here full of "when i was at Pool" rot, all the Geordies here and the local NUFC fans think theyre a bunch of w@nkers. Theyre headed by a Geordie, but having had a fan club here since 2001 we've never come across him, so dont think he's the real thing.


    Not coming down to the local fan club doesn't mean he's not the real deal. Frankly, local fan clubs are just another reason for gathering to drinks and shout mutual abuse at common enemies  ;D so I won't read too much into it.


    As long as someone else buys out MA and group, I'm behind them.

  12. We have some dealings with Reliance out here in Asia, and all the talk today, from them, is that they're putting forward a bid today (Monday)..


    Any truth in it .. we'll have to see.. MA has to accept the bid anyway.. so who knows..


    Can you provide more details? A  one liner is of no use and how reliable is your source. Suddenly Singapore has come to the forefront with Profitable Group and now Ambani thru a Singapore source. Go on lad, tell us what else did the Singaporean Taxi driver tell you? :shifty:

  13. :clap:al coup for us at the time.


    The buzz you created when you returned as our manager and the great games and journeys we had back then were priceless for me. And this time when you came back we finally began to feel positive and enjoy watching the team again after so long in the wilderness. The realisation that this time you are gone for good and that it has come about in awful circumstances leaves me numb right now.


    Nothing can tarnish what you did for this club though and the club is a poorer place without you. Thank you for all you've done.


    Well said.  :clap: :clap: :clap:


    A large part of Newcastle has died with this this latest episode ....just when I was hopeful once again, the dream has died yet another premature death

  14. The next Manager will have to be someone who is comfortable with operating under the current system with others signing up or selling players. He will be strictly a coach only.


    I doubt any of the current lot of British managers will accept this European concept so it will pretty much be a European coach used to this. Then again, this is NUFC. Who knows what will happed next.


    Since we are already such a comedy club, we might as well bring in Steve Maclaren. If he can speak Dutch accented English to suit his new audience, I'm sure he has no problems fitting in with the Newcastle United Circus.

  15. If Keegan wasn't happy then he should have gone earlier in the window so we could get someone else in, if all this has kicked off on the last day of the transfer window then it looks like a very knee jerk reaction.


    Either way he's left us in the s*** with his actions over the last few days and I'm more interested in how the club are going to turn this around rather than sympathizing with Keegan..


    Keegan waited to see if there he could indeed bring in his own choice of signings. But when the Board tried to sell his players without his knowledge at the final day of the window. It was the straw that broke the camel's back.


    By resigning now, he was signaling to all that he tried to work within the system but alas he can do no more and resigned at earliest possible moment rather than participate further in this charade, lest others accuse him later of not leaving earlier like you are doing now

  16. Another take on situation ....


    1. Ashley is tired of all these and want to sell out and currently in discussions with potential buyers

    2. MA knows that since he is leaving and KK is really who the fans want, is letting this simmer, without KK resigning OR new owners want KK as manager and promised to fund his purchases

    3. Once price has been agreed between MA & new owners, all will be revealed.


    this is getting fun ..... :angel:


    Have we got the full set of randomly made up opposite possible theories yet? We must be getting close now :)


    Anything is possible at Newcastle. Who would have imagine this situation just a few days ago. All focus was on signing new players and who the WOW signing was and now this.......who knows what comes next  :yikes:

  17. Another take on situation ....


    1. Ashley is tired of all these and want to sell out and currently in discussions with potential buyers

    2. MA knows that since he is leaving and KK is really who the fans want, is letting this simmer, without KK resigning OR new owners want KK as manager and promised to fund his purchases

    3. Once price has been agreed between MA & new owners, all will be revealed.


    this is getting fun ..... :angel:

  18. The more I think about what's happened today the more angry I feel towards KK. That may be sacrilege to many people, but the lack of any comment from him has really damaged the club, if he thinks that letting this situation carry on like it is is in the best interests of the club then he's seriously mistaken. He needs to come out and say something, he should have said something to calm the situation. What's happened today could have serious ramifications for the club's long-term future. We could quite possibly end up with no manager, an owner who's position is untenable and a club that is unsellable too. Whoever's left running our club when the dust settles is going to have to do a hell of a lot of work just to get us back to the position we were in yesterday, let alone take us forward from that. If that's Ashley and Keegan then it'll be hard enough. If it's just Ashley then what's he going to do to get the fans back on side, why would he even care about doing that after what's gone on today? If it's just Keegan then where does that leave the ownership of the club? A huge amunt of damage has been done to NUFC today and there are many many people at fault for that, Ashley, Keegan, the "fans" and don't even get me started on the media!! Those fuckers have got exactly what they wanted today, they could well have destroyed our football club, for f***'s sake!!


    I'm seriously pissed off with the following people:


    The media: for recklessly deliberately reporting rumours as fact and whipping up the braindead mongs amongst our support to the extent that they were as good rioting outside the ground. You vicious arseholes.


    The "fans": for being so unbelievably f***ing stupid as to swallow everything and anything they read in the tabloids or see on Sky Sports as fact without any kind of thought whatsoever. For f***'s sake you stupid f***ing c***s!!


    KK: If you really loved the club you'd have never let it get to this, is this really about what's best for the club or is it more about your own ego and your need to control everything? If things were this bad, why haven't you been honest about it? That's what you're supposed to be renowned for. Why have you been saying one thing in public and another in private? Why have you been leaking negative stuff to the press and saying positive stuff through the official channels? Think about it, if all along the press have been right then where'd they get there information from? If they've been making it all up then what the f***'s going on now and why hasn't Keegan said anything today when all that s***'s kicking off outside the ground? What are you doing Kev, you're supposed to love this club, what are you playing at?


    Ashley and the club: I'm pissed off with you lot and all, I don't know what for yet, but there must be something you could have done to stop this from happening.


    f*** this, I'm off to bed. This has been a terrible day and weirdly I've only just realised it.


    What do you expect Keegan to come out and say? That the Board has undermined him and kicked him around? Wouldn't that be more damaging to the club as a whole?


    If indeed there has been 2 heated days of arguments, emotions will be highly charged and its not good for anyone to make public comments or face the press or it may just blow up further.


    And finally, did you consider that Keegan could be keeping his silence on this as he has been instructed not to comment further until the Board decides what they want to do next?

  19. If KK goes... i will lose a lot of interest.



    Well put. If indeed KK leaves, a large part of my interest will die off. Let me clarify that I've been following the fortunes of my beloved NUFC since 1974 from a far, Keegan's three comings have made it a whole new experience.


    I remember the dross of the 1980s and the old 2nd Division and from recent times, the BSA era. Whilst I still followed the fortunes during these lean years, it was more out of loyalty and a matter of having a club to follow rather than real fervour and interest that only Keegan can generate.


    Keegan is one of the most charismatic figures in Football and one can't help but be swept along by his enthusiasm and belief. I have been so excited that this season will be one of great expectations as Keegan has really instilled a sense of hope but if he walks, I will really find it hard to have the same level of interest.


    I just don't see any manager out there that can have the same impact on NUFC as Keegan. He really is a one-off and whilst I don't expect him to stay on forever, leaving under such circumstances will be just too much for me.

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