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Everything posted by mouldy_uk

  1. mouldy_uk


    Our physio team
  2. mouldy_uk


    What on earth does ‘getting closer’ but has ‘long way to go’ actually mean?
  3. mouldy_uk


    Absolutely. There are occasions when you might have to risk a player who isn’t 100%, but it feels like we keep getting it wrong and never really learning from the mistake(s)
  4. Not tried it myself, but possibly BBC red button / iplayer?
  5. mouldy_uk

    Joey Barton

    I hope at the very least that the football community ensure he never returns to any position within a club
  6. mouldy_uk

    Joey Barton

    I’m sure Musk will ensure such hateful views are purged from his platform as soon as possible
  7. His performance rating today =
  8. Well in Miggy, deserves all the credit
  9. Longshaft finding the moon with that one
  10. mouldy_uk

    Joey Barton

    Like Tate and all the other knuckle draggers, he should be starved of attention as that’s what they crave. Slightly scary to see the numbers of followers these people have on social media platforms
  11. mouldy_uk

    Joey Barton

    Every time I see this thread bumped I worry that he’s still alive
  12. Almost think some of them don’t have jobs to do
  13. Great entertainment https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/what-more-proof-do-we-need-black-cats-bar.1623907/
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67887975 BBC homepage
  15. If FFP goes then there will be some ridiculous money changing hands for some complete dross. Though it would be interesting to see how much the Saudi’s are really prepared to pump into us
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