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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I heard that this guy was better as an LB.


    Can anyone confirm this?


    Guess we need another CB either way tho.


    I genuinely don't think he has ever played LB in his life. Certainly not the last few seasons.


    Alan Pardew is that you?

  2. I'd prefer Anita covering the back 4 over Colback like, but that's why we need a new midfielder. I've never been sold on Sissoko's ability to play deep but apparently he was mint at it in France?


    Yes, ultimately we need just one of them in there. It's painful watching them both side by side.


    Colback has to then take the blame more, because he is not supposed to be a holding mid, so not sure why he is so negative.

  3. When you are informed that you have been selected for the next job you get, you tell them your aim is to be at a higher achieving rival in the next few years, and you come back and share the result with us.


    It shows a lack of tact and common sense from the player.

  4. Impressive to be able to do all that running and still be totally off the pace and out of position so you have to get booked all the time.


    This is simply it. He's running around to no effect.


    Also, why doesn't he pass the ball forward? He's terribly over cautious.


    De Jong hardly received the ball to feet in that last game, because both he and Anita, kept going sideways and back to bloody Williamson of all people, who then hoofed.


    This has been going on for years now. We have an attacking midfielder playing off the front man. Can we please try and get him the ball?! So he has a chance to influence the game.



  5. Has anyone even tried to sign him since he fell out of favour? How as everyone forgotten how brilliant he was with us? 29 yrs old this year, so still has some years left. Deserves to be playing every week somewhere man. It's crazy.

  6. There's people that defend Colback for working hard while doing absolutely nothing. In essence, we are paying the guy to do some exercise.


    In the meantime there are people that criticise Ben Arfa who despite not working hard enough, apparently, at least had the sense to be in positions to impact the game ten fold in our favour.


    This world man. This life.

  7. Peter Schmeichel best showed how numbers can be fiddled. Years ago there was a story going round that Schmeichel got the hump because of the introduction of ProZone, so decided to prove a point. The very next match, so the tale goes, every time the ball was down the other end, Schmeichel did sets of sprints across the edge of his area to raise his high-intensity running stats. Anyone watching probably thought: 'Oh look there's Schmeichel keeping himself warm'; but he ended up beating one of the forwards on stats for that game.


    Ben Arfa likes this.

  8. Why not keep that to yourself though? These players are so dopey  :lol:


    I mean there's no guarantee your even going to be good enough to make that step up.


    How about focusing on the task at hand, and just enjoying that for the time being.


    If you then excel then you can start that next process with your agent behind the scenes.

  9. I know this comment is going to cause uproar and probably end up with me being called a c*** but I don't think he is that bad given some of the shambolic players we have had in the past......


    The frustration for me is that he doesn't offer anything going forward which is what we need. He sits alongside Anita and does what he's already doing. It's incredibly annoying. Take a risk and look for the forward pass into the forward for goodness sake.


    That stat about how much distance he covers is amazing to me, because I'm not quite sure where he is running too, because I don't see him making an impact on the game that often at all.


    Maybe he gets those numbers by running all the way back to goal after teams have already broken on us and have gone on to score. Only God above knows what's going on there.

  10. Imagine mentioning this guy in the same breath as Pirlo man. Even as a joke it's an insult. :lol:


    I would actually respect Colback's game more if he tried ambitious passes and never pulled them off, but he just doesn't. Alongside Anite he's supposed to be the more forward thinking player, but he's more negative in his play than Anita is!


    Terrible that this guy is seemingly a fixture in midfield. I hope they are noticing he isn't good enough in these friendlies.

  11. Aye but Congo are not in the world's top 50 apparently so that has an impact, Belgian media seems to think it's not going to be an issue though.


    Ah, right. Of course. Well hopefully it's fine.

  12. How smooth was this transfer for goodness sake?! The player will always have a special place in my heart because of it.


    He hasn't signed yet, man :lol:


    I was basing it off of Mole's post at the top of the page. I'm sure it's done.


    Well ... providing we don't do bone scans as part of the medical. That could become a contentious issue.

  13. Love how straightforward this one seems to be.


    Player wants to come. The club have said they want it done quickly. The price doesn't appear to be an issue.


    Very refreshing. Hope this is done by tomorrow now.

    Easy when you're fishing around 'big' teams that failed to qualify for the CL and are desperate for the money. Our new 'policy' presumably.


    What a cheery outlook on life.  :)



  14. Love how straightforward this one seems to be.


    Player wants to come. The club have said they want it done quickly. The price doesn't appear to be an issue.


    Very refreshing. Hope this is done by tomorrow now.

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