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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Unbelievable! due to write him off as hopeless in 3, 2, 1 ...


    Not at all. Love JP Boetius me :thup:


    Woo hoo!  :frantic:


    Oh man, well we have to sign him now!


    What's his game like?


    Well, he's certainly not a traditional winger, more of a wide midfield player who likes to dribble, cuts inside often and has an eye for goal. As has been said, he is a little lightweight but that makes him nimble. He is one in a long line of talented players at Feyenoord who somehow make a big impression bursting on the scene but then subsequently fail to press on the next season and end up moving for less than they're (potentially) worth; Wijnaldum being an other example. I don't think EUR 2m will get him, but closer to 3-4m probably would.


    Crossing any good at all?


    Not especially.


    Fair enough. Guess we'll see if he's really on the list. Looks a very exciting player  :thup:

  2. Unbelievable! due to write him off as hopeless in 3, 2, 1 ...


    Not at all. Love JP Boetius me :thup:


    Woo hoo!  :frantic:


    Oh man, well we have to sign him now!


    What's his game like?


    Well, he's certainly not a traditional winger, more of a wide midfield player who likes to dribble, cuts inside often and has an eye for goal. As has been said, he is a little lightweight but that makes him nimble. He is one in a long line of talented players at Feyenoord who somehow make a big impression bursting on the scene but then subsequently fail to press on the next season and end up moving for less than they're (potentially) worth; Wijnaldum being an other example. I don't think EUR 2m will get him, but closer to 3-4m probably would.


    Crossing any good at all?

  3. I was just about to write that Kaka needs to sleep soon so don't get him too excited :lol:


    I'll be up till the game man. Got to see Colback pass sideways and backwards against the Timbers' second unit. That will sufficiently darken my mood in no time.  :)

  4. Boetius would be ideal for Mitrovic.


    Please tell us more.


    I have never seen him play, and his stats don't seem overly impressive, but he seems to be emerging as far as reports on him go.


    Watched his highlights, and he looks really exciting. Lots of pace and dribbling. We really miss that in our team outside of Aarons. No flair man. It's tragic.


    I'd say we do have flair outside of Aarons, Cabella and Perez have flair IMO. But not many with raw pace to go with it like Aarons, which is why if we were to buy another striker i'd prefer Berahinho to Austin if possible.


    Yeah, I think that's it actually, that mix of flair and pace. We could do with that in the team for sure. Haven't had that since Ben Arfa was bounced.

  5. Boetius would be ideal for Mitrovic.


    Please tell us more.


    I have never seen him play, and his stats don't seem overly impressive, but he seems to be emerging as far as reports on him go.


    Watched his highlights, and he looks really exciting. Lots of pace and dribbling. We really miss that in our team outside of Aarons. No flair man. It's tragic.

  6. Interesting that he spoke to Tadic, who was at Man U for a bit, about McClaren.

    I think he talks about Tadic from Southampton  :lol:


    Played under McClaren at Twente.


    Interesting that he spoke to Tadic, who was at Man U for a bit, about McClaren.

    I think he talks about Tadic from Southampton  :lol:


    Played under McClaren at Twente.


    Tosic was at United, Tadic was at Southampton O0


    Ah, right!  :lol:


    That's an even better connection! Good that he could speak to someone about the manager.


    Imagine if it was Pards man. I actually feel a lot more enthusiastic about our signings now, knowing the manager won't be completely clueless about them, and then completely clueless about the manager.

  7. Watching the interview, he's clearly a goalscorer :lol: corrected the interviewer on his goal total from last year immediately :lol:


    :lol: yup.


    Really liked the interview. His English is great, and he is really confident. That's a 20 year old kid man. Good stuff.

  8. asked about him on a Serb footie forum


    I've learned to judge players not only on their skill and physical tool set, but on their mental capability and in in Mitro's case, God bless him, there's not much there.


    He is confident to the point where he becomes cocky and for his country puts up more of a fight, but he's also a guy who's lazy, gives up easily, argues a lot with opposition and team mates and generally comes off as someone who doesn't care that much.


    I hope he can grow up eventually, but like I said, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed and will need the right guidance. Preferably from someone he can look up to, keep in mind, Balo is his role model


    He's a kid still really, so have to give him a bit of leeway I think.


    Think he came across really well in that interview that was just posted.


    Going to be very interesting. Looking forward to the season.

  9. He's not my type of player like, but I'm blatantly going to like him.


    There'll probably be loads of NUFC fans that hates him, which will make me love him even more.

    Having a 1 in 2 goal scoring ratio while having played so many games already for a 20-year old is canny impressive, even if it's only in the Belgian and Serbian league. Encouraging that he's scored in the CL as well though.


    From what sense do you guys not think people will like his game? Just out of interest.


    There's some idiots around who won't like his personality, you know the ones who don't like Ben Arfa.


    Do we know much about his personality though? It's just that celebration, which apparently has nothing to do with what we all thought (allegedly!).


    Seems like a confident young guy that believes in his abilities, which is definitely a good thing.

  10. Feels even better now it has happended :) Get in.  Think this lad will hit cult status pretty quickly.


    Hard not to agree with McLaren that this is another statement of where we want to go. 2-3 more at this level this summer and this season will have an excitement factor for the first time in years.  I get the impression more might come over the next 2 windows as well based on his comments when he signed.  Could just be the start of something new.


    Hope is a killer :lol:


    Honestly, Winegums and YoungKetsbaia aren't even adequate backfill for the inaction shown in previous windows. Our three CBs (yes, three, which is somehow now just the norm) are still Colo, Willo and Tayl...-o. It's a start, I can't deny but there's a long way to go before hope enters the equation. So far, this is the minimum investment required to keep us in the league and get easily-swayed bums back on seats.


    No doubt you are right. Loving the calibre of players we are after and have landed so far though.


    Let's hope we stay with it and keep pushing for more.

  11. He's not my type of player like, but I'm blatantly going to like him.


    There'll probably be loads of NUFC fans that hates him, which will make me love him even more.

    Having a 1 in 2 goal scoring ratio while having played so many games already for a 20-year old is canny impressive, even if it's only in the Belgian and Serbian league. Encouraging that he's scored in the CL as well though.


    From what sense do you guys not think people will like his game? Just out of interest.

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