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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Where is the rumour from?? I've been wanking about him for a while now...


    :lol: that's a hell of a super power you have if that is how this has come to fruition.


    Willems crosses the ball early and often and very well. Also takes a great set piece. Has racked up numerous assists due to this.


    If we can provide that kind of service to Mitrovic that would be great.

  2. Oh yeah! Forgot about Taylor.


    Yeah he'll start. I'd rather Lascelles than Will though if it came to it.


    Lascelles is young enough to have a good game by accident, whereas with Willo this is absolutely impossible.


    We know he will be shit and he will not dissapoint in meeting those expectations.

  3. Noise about Sissoko leaving keeps getting louder and louder. Love his potential, but grown a bit tired of his style of play, which is really frustrating to watch. I won't cry for him at all.


    That link to Ever Banega might make sense if he leaves. Interestingly Banega is in the last year of his contract. Surprise surprise.

  4. It's embarrassing because we had incompetent nincompoops that completely screw up these players, and so they're comments are usually valid, and so it really stings. hey've made the club look like a bad place to play.


    Thank God they're gone.

  5. Montpellier manager attacks Rémy Cabella

    Speaking to RMC, Montpellier manager Rolland Courbis had a dig at Frenchman Rémy Cabella’s current situation at Newcastle.


    He had the following to say:


    “With some irony, I said that I was not mad about Newcastle (as a choice of destination). I sincerely hope with all my heart, because God knows I love this little boy, that he has a huge contract financially. From being with Montpellier and being in the 23 players that represent the France team, to going to playing only a part of the games, while scoring one goal when you scored 15 or so with Montpellier (a season), I really hope he has some financial compensation. If in the morning, he wakes up, and he is happy to go to train at Newcastle, he will have to question himself.”




    Thanks Pardew. Thanks Carver.

  6. If we are looking at playing two upfront and sign another first team striker e.g. Austin, and then get rid of Cisse, then I hope we keep Perez and this kid to start developing as a future pairing. I'm sure he would do more than both Gouffran and a Rivière at this point.

  7. Eh?  I don't get anything about that at all.  OK, it's the old Virgin Atlantic logo I guess?  Why?  Why would you want to 'fly' with Pardew?  I can understand spoofing a logo of a company that's maybe spelled like someone's name, but what the f*** is this?  And why "A.L"?  It's not a company with initials after it, just put either AL or A.P.  THey seem to be working within really odd constraints they've set themselves for no reason at all.


    I think when he scored that stupid goal they had fly virgin on their kit.


    Still a terrible idea and a terrible shirt in honour of a terrible human being, so I guess it works from that standpoint.

  8. Yup. Really like this guy a lot.


    Mitrovic, who has only had one training session at the club, feels that goals will come naturally as he plays more games and adjusts to his new team-mates.


    He said: “I am going to need one or two games more to learn all about the team and how they play.


    “But we have a really good coach and I have already seen how good the players are here, so I am looking forward to playing for the team.”



  9. Just so glad Pardew is gone.


    The striker he already has and never plays is a far better goal scorer. Dwight Gayle isn't 6 ft 4 though!


    Palace are going to be fuming this season man. Looking forward to it.

  10. £9m including add-ons apparently.  f***ing crazy.


    Classic Pardew.


    This is what the idiot would have been doing at Newcastle.


    What has Wickham actually achieved to warrant a £9 million fee?!

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