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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I know a lot was made of his character leading up to signing him. It's a reputation he has.


    I'd give it to Janmaat ahead of him too though. Janmaat has gone through it all with us, and still shone bright, and spoke up continuously.


    Love that guy.

  2. Based on not much at all:


              Striker      Perez


                      De Jong

        Wilnaldjum      Sissoko






    I like the idea of a diamond with what we have at the moment, as we don't really have any good wingers.


    Not sure McClaren has ever played that way though. Genuinely no idea.


    Also cast Tiote out of that lineup please.

  3. Sissoko out wide in a team with no movement and passing to just chase long punts down the line is the work of the devil. Yes, I hated that.


    If we are really going to try and play it won't be about that.

  4. Front 6, for me:






    De Jong




    Anita is not a first XI player. And certainly not a first XI defensive midfielder.


    Not ready to accept that assertion at all. I need to see more of him there in a better setup.


    No one was saying this when he first joined, and looked solid. How about that performance against West Ham by the way?


    Put him in a team that presses as a unit, and not just leaves him back there to sit in front of an undisciplined defence and behind an undisciplined midfield, and then let's see.

  5. Front 6, for me:






    De Jong





    I like that. I want that Duth trio central. Sissoko has done well enough out wide, and in a team that moves the ball better can drift inwards occasionally too.


    Nice  :thup:

  6. If we're going to be looking to play more possession football then I want Anita as the anchor to start the season. Coming off that West Ham performance, it's time to give this guy a proper chance in a team that is looking to play to his strengths. If he flops then so be it. But I don't want to see Tiote in there ahead of him. That guy is done man.


    As Kanji said De Jong absolutely has to be in there too. He has already had a season off, and so time for him to start doing something. He has a lot of making up to do, for both himself and that brother of his.





  7. Really can't see what Janmaat would offer as a captain like.


    He's a good player who doesn't get injured, generally leads by example, communicates with those around him, is assertive, and is disgusted by Mike Williamson.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. I mean Wijnaldum has just come in and already you just see the vibe off him is quality. Speaks well, is well liked, is very open ... you just know leadership when you see it.


    Don't know who ever decided to make Colo captain man. I mean I respect the guy's game, but it's probably hurt him being captain if anything. He doesn't carry that responsibility well at all.


    What has Colo ever said that has been of an significance. He's just a quiet dude on and off the pitch man.

  9. Fact is we need at least one big commanding centre back, something we haven't had since Keegan was here. Coloccini can anticipate threat, cover the left back well and play the ball out. But he's not the one who should be going up against someone like Drogba. We don't have anyone like that and it's a glaring weakness which hasn't been addressed.


    Yes, that's a fair enough comment, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that Coloccini does not seem to inspire confidence in others whatsoever, and so should not be captain.

  10. I would even consider Krul at the moment, it might up his game and he has been here a while now and has saved us on many an occasion. I imagine his teammates will have a bit of respect for him. On the other side, outfield players have more influence on their teammates due to proximity...


    Yes, you often see Krul trying to wake his defenders up when their messing up. the guy is a good leader, certainly. Look at what Wijnaldum ahs said since he joined, that Krul has been on him to join the club. Even in interviews you can see Krul speaks with confidence and self assuredness.

  11. It's the same s*** every time. I can handle the fact he can't keep up with the topics of discussion but implying and projecting an endorsement of Taylor or Williamson because I, along with pretty much everyone else, think Coloccini's a s*** captain. The lad must hear voices or something.


    Can't you answer a simple question? I asked who at present is an alternative to Coloccini assuming that Taylor and Williamson would be the natural alternatives. If you've got someone else in mind then go ahead and enlighten us. I suppose there's the right back turned centre back Dummett but I'm not sure I'd be comfortable giving him the job on a long term basis.


    For captain?



    De Jong




    Even Colback and Anita ahead of Colo for me.

  12. TRon is a good dude man. Don't do him like that. He just can't see it the way others do regarding Coloccini.


    Colo isn't up to scratch though. He's not someone that inspires confidence at all. And usually when we are under the cosh he tends to go to pieces himself in a bit of a whimper.


    If I played centre back and had Willo beside punting balls and the midfielders not tracking runners etc, I would be losing it at folks, or at least having a word with them to buck up their ideas.


    Colo does nothing.

  13. Colo is an embarrassment out there. I never see him getting fired up or trying to get other players going by just encouraging them. He does nothing that indicates any kind of leadership whatsoever. He's a terrible captain.

  14. Man, every young English kid should be aiming to be a footballer first and foremost.


    Have a couple of half decent seasons by the time your 20 and push to join Man City for £200,000 a week.


    Extraordinary stuff.

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