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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. 'I know him very well from when I was in Holland and he was a pain at Feyenoord and for PSV against my teams,' said the Newcastle boss.

    'He brings great quality and can play in any position in midfield. His physicality is good and his tempo good. He will be a good player in the Premier League.'

    Of the deal, McClaren said: 'There's no secret. He has been seen around the place, he's having a medical and all the scans that go with it.



  2. Sorry if already mentioned but the Talkshite were talking about him being next Englund manager based on him well being English and doing ok at the Toon  :yikes:  First caller a Manchester United fan saying ticks all the boxes and studio saying likes flair players and no other english competition  :spit:


    I can't wait for it to happen  :lol:

  3. With Milner gone and some Brazilian clogs taking up space in that midfield I wouldn't write him off yet. 


    IMO he's perfect for Spurs in any case.  Would have more money and it would be better for his career. Although it didn't hurt Milner's England chances.



    I thought re-signing with Villa was dumb. But the big deal they made of it looks disgusting now.  From both sides. £8m is super low too.  Disgusting.


    He's not better than any of those midfielders.

  4. How much is Delph on at Villa? Is it really that little?!


    He's a young guy that is finally finding his feet and is captain of a really good club in this country.


    Is it really worth tanking all that just to get paid.


    Can't accept that. I definitely wouldn't do it.


    These guys can't really have a real desire for the game whatsoever.

  5. Just not sure why Delph would go along with it. In the last year he's finally started to gain some traction for Villa, and broken into the England squad.


    I know they'll throw money at him, but it's just not a good enough reason anymore. These guys are already doing well enough in that area.


    It's just really poor. He will not play at all.

  6. Delph to Citeh for 8m.


    Which means the whole new contract thing was just to make sure we got some cash for him, with a clause so low, so he could get a move.  When he signed, the club made a massive deal of it, milked the publicity, got him to say how he was never going to leave, it was his club etc etc.


    All the time, this must have been the plan, hence that clause for that price. Treated like f***ing idiots by the club AND by Delph.


    What a f***ing rat. Worse than Downing.


    But it's City, so why would it have to be a low clause?


    This is horrible. He will never play there, especially as they hardly paid anything for him.


    brummie from your point of view he isn't really that fantastic. Hopefully you guys get someone decent in.


    The guy must be crazy agreeing to move there.

  7. All the talk from McClaren has been about getting the right characters but this bloke seems like a nutter. WTF?


    To be fair there is nothing inherently wrong with having a passion for pleasuring his woman that way, so much so that he wants to let us all know.


    Other than that he hasn't done anything wrong has he? Or been in any kind of trouble?

  8. I think KaKa's such a nutcase that I'm starting to appreciate his lunacy.


    I also wholeheartedly welcome the description of mundane, insignificant things as "disgusting".


    I thought you were far more sensible and charming than you have shown here. My estimation of you has gone down many levels, and that's a real shame.


    The good thing is that I haven't written you off completely, and so we can still be good friends.

  9. Lui Vitton backpack. It's him.


    So what you're saying is a regular black man can't afford such items? Well done. You are racist of the day.


    Makes no sense :lol:


    Black man with Louis Vuitton! Must be flashy footballer! Black man can't afford otherwise!

  10. Lui Vitton backpack. It's him.


    So what you're saying is a regular black man can't afford such items? Well done. You are racist of the day.


    I'm black you weird freak :lol:


    Sure you are ... and you have loads of black friends too I presume.

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