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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. McClaren has already hired competent people to work with him, and so is already separating himself from Pardew drastically.


    Pardew only brought people in who would never question him, and who were just happy to be there and so would suck up to him. He was all about consolidating his position and nothing else.


    Think McClaren deserves a bit more credit tbh.

  2. You just know a couple of years from now Palace fans will be losing their minds over how he's still going on about not having Cabaye anymore.


    :lol: They'll be in the f***ing Europa league while we lowball Championship clubs for players.


    Don't be ridiculous Mike.


    It's Alan Pardew remember. He WILL fuck it up somehow.


    Actually looking forward to seeing how he manages it this time.

  3. Much rather we spent that £28m on Austin and a CB.  Cough up the £15m QPR wanted, and there's £13m for a quality CB.


    Instead we get another midfielder to add to the 12+ we already have and an unproven striker who seems like a right t***


    Love how there's always something to complain about  :lol:


    You guys really need to be more upbeat.

    I see it more as an observation than a complaint :D


    I feel you man  O0


    Those are two really talented players of a pretty high calibre so pretty happy tbh if true.


    The CB will come along soon also I hope. Really like the look of Matip, so would be chuffed with that.

  4. Much rather we spent that £28m on Austin and a CB.  Cough up the £15m QPR wanted, and there's £13m for a quality CB.


    Instead we get another midfielder to add to the 12+ we already have and an unproven striker who seems like a right t***


    Love how there's always something to complain about  :lol:


    You guys really need to be more upbeat.

  5. Man, the chat about this is going to go on all bloody summer.


    Pardew the great man, and how he lured Cabaye to Palace, due to his fantastic man management and abilities.


    Man, fuck that noise yo!

  6. Bet if he does sign for a Champions League club he signs for their bench. Furthermore he will be whinging about it by the time the season ends.


    He's just a s*** Lukaku mate. A s*** Lukaku.


    f*** all these scumbags man. All of them.



  7. This Mitrovic is really full of it isn't he. 20 year old scores a few in the Belgian league and starts acting like he's a boss.


    Fuck him and his whole crew. Looking forward to his career going down in flames, and never seeing that dumb celebration again.



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