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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. That girl knows her stuff. That last bit about money upfront is what we do.


    Remember us chasing this guy really hard last time. Carr must really like him.


    Quite a bit of loot for him is £12 million.

  2. Instead of mocking me, you guys should offer encouragement and support.




    I don't understand why you don't receive support Kaka mate. But trust me, your day will come. One day all decent looking guys will be unavailable and the desperate girls will make sure that your time will come.


    Amen! God bless you brother.

  3. It's just guesswork man, you'll notice the correct ones and not the one's that are wrong.


    Your judgement has really suffered of late, and doesn't seem to be improving.

  4. That girl has nailed a ton of them. She's no joke. Definitely has some contacts. She's been persistent about Bas Dost too.


    Yesterday she said they had started asking for more money, after saying it would be done by Friday last week, and I thought it might be a cop out.


    But then the Wolfsburg guy comes out today with those quotes, and it is the kind of thing they'd say if they were trying to apply pressure.



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