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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Goodness! That's a bit much isn't it!  :lol:


    Duration of his contract?! Heartless guy man  :lol:


    :lol: :lol:  with this photo as well




    Nah, no chance man. I wouldn't be able to do it. I'd be so miserable. Can't stomach Pardew  :lol:

  2. If we miss out on Austin, I'm taking it much more personally than previous setbacks.


    It'd confirm just how tarnished we are under Ashley - a former player of Hungerford, Poole and Swindon turns his nose up at being Newcastle #9? In favour of the bench at clubs who dont even need him? Nah, this will hurt.


    Would hardly be the clubs fault though, right?  :lol:


    It's mostly the club's fault. He'd have chosen us in the Shepherd era, but the club's reputation has disintegrated under Ashley. There's a generation of players coming through who have no idea how big we are, were and can be.


    Think there's a generation of players obsessed with being at Chelsea or Man City even if they never play. Bunch of punks.

  3. So apparently Chelsea's interest in Austin is legit.


    Looking to bring in Falcao and Austin to replace Remy and Drogba.


    Pretty irritating huh? You betcha.


    Why the long face KaKa? Cheer up mate, it's just baseless rumours and it's not like we have been here before Big Mike has promised spending above our weight and a push for trophies and/or CL qualification. If When we will be sitting here empty handed in September you can kick up a fuss, not now. Keep the faith.


    I'm calm. Looks like we will be getting in super stud Bas Dost instead!  :)


    It will be fun watching you implode when Bas Dost will be strutting around the St. James' Park pitch being nowhere near good enough :p


    Ah, come on! You should be rooting for your country man!


    I do love Dutch players generally, so maybe I am blinded by this.  :undecided:


    Nah ... he'll definitely be awesome  :aww:

  4. If we miss out on Austin, I'm taking it much more personally than previous setbacks.


    It'd confirm just how tarnished we are under Ashley - a former player of Hungerford, Poole and Swindon turns his nose up at being Newcastle #9? In favour of the bench at clubs who dont even need him? Nah, this will hurt.


    Would hardly be the clubs fault though, right?  :lol:

  5. So apparently Chelsea's interest in Austin is legit.


    Looking to bring in Falcao and Austin to replace Remy and Drogba.


    Pretty irritating huh? You betcha.


    Why the long face KaKa? Cheer up mate, it's just baseless rumours and it's not like we have been here before Big Mike has promised spending above our weight and a push for trophies and/or CL qualification. If When we will be sitting here empty handed in September you can kick up a fuss, not now. Keep the faith.


    I'm calm. Looks like we will be getting in super stud Bas Dost instead!  :)

  6. I assume your positivity with regards to Dost is based on a belief that the rumour is rubbish then, or do you believe those who have actually seen him plenty of times and don't think he is good enough to all be completely wrong?


    I just don't think he can be rubbished to the extent he has been. I don't think if we bought him it's proof of us just being cheap for the sake of it either.


    Yes, he might not be perfect, but a lot of strikers who aren't have scored goals in this league. All depends on what is going to be put around him. We also have a coach now apparently, so we'll see I guess.


  7. “We could challenge Newcastle, Aston Villa, Everton and maybe even Spurs. While we cannot compete with some of those clubs in terms of budgets, we can look to attract the kind of players they are also in the market for.”


    “If we could add that kind of quality of player to this current group, then we have a chance to push on.”  “You have to have tactical plans to get a deal over the line.”


    “I have to be involved in negotiations because players have to buy into me and what I want from them if they join my club, so all managers need to be fully involved in transfers, that’s for sure.”




  8. His goal videos are fairly decent TBF, he makes runs and he finishes neatly. Not as immobile as I expected. Not much to go on I admit.


    I really struggle to see some of the negativity with the guy.


    It's a bit more of a gamble, but I like the look of the guy myself. Fantastic awareness in the box.


    It's up to the manager to get us playing so we create the chances for him.


    I agree about his mobility too. Looks a good athlete, with some quickness.

  9. Bas Dost goal scoring record is damned impressive. Can't take that away from him.


    Took a while at Wolfsburg, but apparently he was coming off ankle surgery when he first joined, which set him back.


    Maybe they just want a more high profile striker as they seem to be loaded.

  10. I do love his highlights. Looks a real goal getter, so smart in the box. He's so hyper too, which I like. Fans will love that.


    If Siem De Jong can stay healthy, and do the majority of the link up and hold up play off him, it could look good.

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