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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Wijnaldum was dispossessed a couple of times when he came deeper, giving Southampton good counter attack chances. It would be madness to put him in Colback's role yet.




    A couple of times, huh? How dare he. Never mind not putting him in midfield then. JUst keep him on the bench where he'll never be able to lose the ball a couple of times.


    Are you crazy?


    There's a difference between getting dispossessed when you are playing as a #10 on the edge of their area compared to getting dispossessed when you come deep and have no cover behind you.


    Hmmm ... so you have deciphered that because he lost the ball two times in that position yesterday, he will therefore always lose the ball if played deeper.


    Sorry, who is the crazy one again?


    By the way, did you see Holland use him in a deeper role in the World Cup? Have you seen him play more centrally for PSV?


    Please be very careful how you address me my friend. Nonsense.

  2. Wijnaldum was dispossessed a couple of times when he came deeper, giving Southampton good counter attack chances. It would be madness to put him in Colback's role yet.




    A couple of times, huh? How dare he. Never mind not putting him in midfield then. JUst keep him on the bench where he'll never be able to lose the ball a couple of times.

  3. Jokes aside, he was good yesterday, I agree. He's a bit dozy, and so will do silly things, that's his nature more than anything. It was good to see him trying and being far more aggressive, even if it didn't always come off.


    It's when he isn't even having a go that I am most frustrated by him tbh.

  4. I wish we'd just play a midfield 3 with one holding midfielder and the other two with freedom to get forward, but also drop and help defend when the opposition has the ball. I would like to see De Jong and Wijnaldum as the two to play this role, with Anita sitting.

  5. The pictures of Sagna when he's on holiday with his missus man, that s*** is pure charcoal midnight.


    Wew ... that guy's missus is mighty fine. Geez.


    Too right. It's crazy though, despite how fit she is you're drawn to look at Sagna because you just can't believe how dark he is! Everyone on the beach is probably like "oh f*** it's midnight... Or hang on... it's just Bacary! Back to 'bathin!"


    I wasn't drawn to look anywhere else at all. Believe me. Yum.

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