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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. SSN saying this morning too that they want to keep him & Hangeland for another season. :lol:


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Man ... Palace are going to get what they deserve hiring that moron. Just a matter of time now. It will be sweet.

  2. Bobby was a very good in-game manager. Made a lot of substitutions that changed games.


    I think we were playing Watford at home and he brought on LuaLua, Stepehn Glass and Wayne Quinn (maybe). Our equalising goal ended up being crossed in by Quinn, LuaLua miskicked it and then Stephen Glass scored. Don't think I've ever seen that before or since


    Nah, that was home to Man U. Cordone crossed it, Lua Lua sliced it and Glass finished. Your right though, 2 or 3 of them had just been subbed on.




    Turns t out it was a triple substiution too http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/1093021.stm


    Absolutely f***ing creased. :lol:


    From that link:



    Key incidents

    19: Ameobi misses from a yard out for Newcastle


    Shola man  :lol:


    So infuriating!


    Can't believe Pardew actually signed him for Palace. Disgusting  :lol:

  3. I don't think I've seen a poster as consistently wrong as Kaka. Lovely fella I'm sure but his footballing opinions are dramatic at best.


    Hey?! What have I got wrong now?!




    I still don't think I've got past the Cleverly being 'great' comment.




    When have I said Cleverley was great?!

  4. People call him a one season wonder as though anyone could fluke what he's achieved. Kane is the real deal, hope he stays at Spurs and continues developing there.


    It's not about him fluking anything, it's about opposition defenders not knowing how to play against him yet. The Premier League has had plenty of players like Kane before that have had the same sort of quality and failed after a season or two. I think he's a decent player, but I don't for a second think that he'll be a 30 or possibly even 20 a season player in years to come. Happy to be wrong, but I just don't see it in him.


    Well if Man U sign him then I hope this proves to be true. It would delight me no end.

  5. Ah, I see ... the Harry Kane comment.


    I wasn't insinuating that Kane wasn't capable of reproducing his form of last season.


    I was more lamenting how pathetic it was of Man U to jump on him as soon as he emerged. Sick of any decent player just being poached by the top four clubs straight away.


    They need to develop their own players the charlatans.  It irks me okay?!


    Would love to see Kane stay at Spurs and keep doing what he did last year.

  6. Would be a good start if we get him in.


    No idea on the expected cost mind, how long is his deal at QPR? Being there I'd expect him to be on a decent wedge too.


    Has a year left on his contract...of course!


    Ah! No wonder it's been reported that we don't want to go over £10 million.


    £15 million for Austin in the last year of his deal is mighty cheeky of QPR tbh.

  7. This guy with Siem De Jong playing off him, and there will be goals for sure.


    Just need to sign Rapinoe to provide balls into them, and we're having an absolute barrel of laughs out here maaaaaaan!!!!

  8. Fascinating read ...




    But if any player has been pivotal to Carr’s rise through the St James’s Park ranks it’s another of McClaren’s old boys who didn’t actually sign for the club – Brazilian-born centre-half Douglas.


    The 6ft 4in star was the rock in Twente’s defence as they claimed the title under McClaren. Carr and Derek Llambias worked for months on a deal to get the stopper signed on a free transfer, only for Joe Kinnear to famously pull the plug at the last minute.


    It was a move which saw Llambias quit and Carr considering his future. Ashley talked him in to staying and eventually got rid of Kinnear instead.


    Since then, Carr’s power has grown.

  9. Rumours the bid for Remy of £8m from West Ham been accepted


    Wow ... £8 million. Absolute peanuts for Remy.


    Plus £100k+ a week etc isnt so much peanuts. Still be a canny signing though, they got enough strikers there now?


    Yeah, but the fee is outstanding, if the likes of Austin and Berahino are going for £15 million +


    Makes the salary much less of an issue. Besides paying him £100,000 a week, probably isn't that far off tbh. The guy is a 20 goal a season striker in any kind of half functioning team.

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