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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Happy he's finally going out on loan. The progress Abeid has made, has clearly encouraged these goofballs to take youth development a bit more seriously again. An absolute joke that he's just been in limbo all season.


    Fine with him going to league one, as long as he's playing every game. That should be the priority. Rather than being a squad player somewhere.

  2. If Gouffran starts ahead of him that first goal doesn't happen. God knows where Gouff would have been stationed in the build up. Probably behind Janmaat, as Pardew gazed at him in longing admiration of his defensive solidity.

  3. I think if anything he doesn't get the ball to feet high enough up the pitch, often enough. Our game, just doesn't allow for it. He and Sammy suffered the same problem, yesterday.


    As soon as he got it in that kind of position he dribble forward, played a well weighted ball out wide that allowed Janmaat to cross first time for the goal.


    Most of the time though, he's closer to the halfway line when he does get it, with defenders right up against him. These are the situations he mostly struggles from.


    It's a shame really. I'm worried because we will never play the kind of football to allow wide players to really shine.


    We really haven't had a wide player really shine under Pardew have we. Ben Arfa is really the only one that has been able to excel in this stifling setup, and yet Pardew couldn't even appreciate it.

  4. I like a lot of what he tries to do, and he never hides. I love that. He just needs to continue playing till it all starts coming together.


    I don't understand how people can't see something in this guy, when they watch him. He's always involved in the action, and get's into good situations. He's fluffing his lines at the moment, as he's clearly lost some confidence, and is eager to prove himself, but this guy is good.

  5. If Ben Arfa was half the player that some people think he is then Pardew would be embarrassed by his decision to send him elsewhere.


    If Ben Arfa was half the player he thinks he is he would have bust a gut to prove Pardew wrong.


    As things currently stand this decision is looking better day by day.


    wherever you've been exiled to it's not f***ing far enough


    It's true. Please return to your exile.

  6. Colback doesn't even tackle that much. He's very good at being bypassed in midfield. That's about it.


    Colback is never even on the edge of the box, having a shot, or looking to play a final ball when we go forward, and he should have more freedom now Mehdi's doing such a great job holding.


    The guy needs to grow a pair and get more involved going forward. He certainly showed he can do better than this at Sunderland, so not sure why he's being such a mong. It's definitely down to Pardew, but he should ignore him.




    Didnt he miss three sitters in our winless run?  Wallop-over-the-bar-from-3yards type sitters?


    It happens to rarely is the point I was trying to make. He goes whole games without getting into these positions.

  7. The thing that is alarming though, is that he is never in position to shoot from the edge of the box, or play a pass through.


    Even when Mehdi played that pass into Cabella leading up to the first goal ... I mean, where was Colback? I'd expect him to be in those sort of positions, ahead of Mehdi, who was the deepest midfielder, but Colback doesn't seem to be getting in those positions.

  8. Colback has been okay, but he is definitely better than this, particularly going  forward, which is his greater strength. It's got Pardew's grubby paws all over it. He's shackled the guy. He's always pulling him over during breaks in play and giving him instructions too. Just won't leave the poor guy alone.

  9. This guy is very talented. Some of the footwork he displays is ridiculous. There is a bit of genius in there.


    He is at the worst club he could choose to be at though. Bet Pardew is constantly on him to stop being so flamboyant with the ball at his feet.


    Not to mention the guy will never get the ball consistently to feet in positions where he can bamboozle defenders, and really get into a rhythm, because the ball stays being launched at his head, or Ayoze's.

  10. Colback doesn't even tackle that much. He's very good at being bypassed in midfield. That's about it.


    Colback is never even on the edge of the box, having a shot, or looking to play a final ball when we go forward, and he should have more freedom now Mehdi's doing such a great job holding.


    The guy needs to grow a pair and get more involved going forward. He certainly showed he can do better than this at Sunderland, so not sure why he's being such a mong. It's definitely down to Pardew, but he should ignore him.



  11. Jut can't believe this run we've gone on. It's despicable.


    These people claiming Pardew has proved himself are absolutely sick in their heads. These were the ones claiming he was burdened with players that weren't good enough.


    All of a sudden we are finding that the youth who weren't getting a game at all, are actually pretty talented.


    There should be even more calls for his head after this run, because he's clearly not been utilising the players we have properly.

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