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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. How pathetic is this human being man  :lol:


    Just a rambling nutter at this point.


    Geordie Union desire for the win? Really? What an ass.


    This is just him warning us Dummett is back into the starting lineup, and he's probably going to bench Cabella and Gouffran for Sammy and Armstrong. I dare him!

  2. Not Bruce anyway. Like for like.


    Bruce is about the best we could hope for, Ashley does not pay enough for anyone decent. Plus would anyone decent really want to work under Ashley?


    Remember some pundit saying that Koeman should step down before the season due to all the players being sold off. He was claiming he would have stood down himself, and no one would want the job.


    People with real ability, who actually know what they're doing would jump at the chnace to manage this club, and the players we have. Best believe it.



  3. Pardew was a plodder as a player and he is a plodder as a manager.

    His team reflects him.


    I've always said this. The guy tries to big up plodders, because it makes him feel better about himself, as he was one. The issues he has with flair players is just his insecurity and jealousy from when he played also bearing light.

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