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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. It was all a lie as well btw. He said that Northumbria Police advised him not to. Then not long after Northumbria Police released a statement saying that they had said no such thing.


    Choosing between the police and Ashley over who's lying. Tough call.


    No, he never said 'Northumbria Police advised him not to'. Nevertheless, the journalists asked Northumbria Police whether they were the ones that had advised him and they said they hadn't.


    This place is f***ing toxic. There clearly isn't enough to damn the club if people still feel the need to twist every little thing.


    The journalist was the one who advised him not to go after Ashley claimed that Northumbria Police had threatened his family wasn't it?


    Ashley is a disgrace.

  2. Liverpool will be fine once Sturridge returns to take some pressure off of Balotelli.


    Not as good as last season, but will still push for a top four finish right up till the end of the season.

  3. Routledge/Dyer of Swansea, ahead of Andros Townsend for me. Got to start picking people who are playing well every week and full of confidence. Charlie Austin ahead of Lambert too IMO.


  4. Where on Earth is Emre Can George? Still injured? Think Gerrard will be rested more once he returns. I like the look of him.


    I definitely think Rodgers should have stuck with the diamond even with Sturridge out. Just play Balo up top with Lambert/Markovic/Borini. I would have even tried Balo and Sterling furthest forward with Coutinho in behind both.

  5. This is a disgraceful mess.


    This whole banning the press thing is interesting. It was never a problem previously, until Pardew came in right. Bet it was all partly down to him whinging all the time the soft pansy.

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