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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. People hoping he plays  :lol:


    He'll do much more than that! The only thing that is going to stop this from being the most humiliating transfer of all time will be injury.


    That team is beautifully set up for him to shine. It's going to be really awful to watch, particularly because Hull aren't even anything special. If he had gone to Everton or Liverpool, think it would have been easier to stomach because they are at least further ahead than us at the minute. Hull City Tigers man.


    Steve Bruce is doing a hell of a job there by the way. Incredible signings this summer. They're going to be great to watch. Us on the other hand not so much.

  2. Good for him though - he needs to be playing. Really hope he is going to tear us a new one and think he will.


    Oh he will. That 3-5-2 will likely have him in that space just behind the two front men. He will be absolutely devastating, because he will actually get passed the ball to his feet all game.


    I'm definitely happy for him, because it's a great place to just play without any palava, as Bruce is just so chill, and isn't a miserable insecure mess.

  3. Wellbeck is extremely meh.


    He's the sort of player who, if he'd signed for us, I'd have thought "meh" about.


    Wenger makes me laugh, though. Him being in Rome doing some charity match today of all days, and setting all those whining Tarquins off on twitter, moaning about him, nodding their heads every time that tit Piers Morgan tweets some cringemaking rubbish.


    Arsenal make me laugh. Just one of the increasing number of clubs which, over the last four years, have given me considerably more pleasure than the club I actually support.


    The funny thing is if Welbeck had signed for us I would have been meh too, because we wouldn't benefit from his attributes due to our team being so awful as a unit.


    I just feel that he's a potentially great team player that will allow the Arsenal on the whole to look a lot better. On top of that, he could potentially look a lot better within the Arsenal setup too, and still improve.


    I don't want to compare him to Adebayor, but I thought Adebayor when he joined was nothing amazing, and hadn't done much in France at all. He had some really great attributes though. He improved a lot at Arsenal, and eventually became quite the striker.



    Arsenal actually have a striker that can run the channels now, and still offer that hold up play Giroud does, maybe even better so. Think he'll make everyone of those Arsenal attacking players look miles better now.


    Seems to be a range of opinions on the move, it's going to be fascinating to watch. Could potentially make Man U look a bit silly.


    Think he'll score 12-15 goals, and get 8-10 assists. Barring any injuries of course.


    What are you on about now? :lol:


    Just, what?




    Giroud isn't going to run out wide collect the ball and then take on people is what I was getting at. Too many critics on here man. Haters  :lol:

  5. Will be like another Gervinho for them.


    No racist.


    No chance. Welbeck is far more intelligent and composed. Gervinho still isn't always in control of all his faculties when he's playing. Just a bizarrely confused footballer.


    Gervinho is a far better footballer than Welbeck.


    Not having that, sorry. Gervinho makes the wrong decision 99 times out of a 100 despite amazing physical abilities.

  6. Arsenal actually have a striker that can run the channels now, and still offer that hold up play Giroud does, maybe even better so. Think he'll make everyone of those Arsenal attacking players look miles better now.


    Seems to be a range of opinions on the move, it's going to be fascinating to watch. Could potentially make Man U look a bit silly.


    Think he'll score 12-15 goals, and get 8-10 assists. Barring any injuries of course.

  7. Will be like another Gervinho for them.


    No racist.


    No chance. Welbeck is far more intelligent and composed. Gervinho still isn't always in control of all his faculties when he's playing. Just a bizarrely confused footballer.

  8. Surprised at people being down on that move by Arsenal. Welbeck is going to look really good in that team I think.


    Yeah suspect he will look better there than at Man Utd.


    Welbeck game is a bit cute, in the sense that he tend to like passing and moving. I think it will really work. He holds it up and has good speed and athleticism too. He'll not always finish well, but with the playing time I could see his confidence soar with them, and him improve that area. Man, he must be over the moon.

  9. Really good signing for Arsenal and Welbeck. Welbeck has a lot of raw materials, and if he is going to fulfil his potential it will be with Wenger. He's a smart boy going there. He has chance to develop into a much better striker than he would have ordinarily now.

  10. Lascelles was our last 'incoming', and took ages for confirmation. Hardly a done deal by end of last season tbh. :lol:


    I was trying to help the guy out  :lol:


    You couldn't even help yourself out. :lol:


    Damn! That one stung a bit  :lol:




    Transfer deadline day for NUFC fans






    Bet that was a reaction to something Shola did.

  11. Benjamin Stambouli to Spurs done.


    Just under £5m. Him and Mané will be good additions to the league. Annoying seeing so many good players being signed by other clubs.


    So Spurs managed to sign someone from Montpellier for a fair price, without getting dogs abuse from their chairman. Well that's interesting.

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