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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Are you kidding me? A sacking would be far better!


    nah, an egotistical c*** like him would always fall back on the "never give up" s*** and claim he was unfairly sacked, if his life is made so miserable by the paying fans that he's forced to tender his resignation and admit (a)defeat and (b) +50,000 people f***ing despise him and know he's a s*** manager then i'd derive so much more satisfaction from it


    when was the last time a manager was hounded out by fans in the PL by the way?  f***ed if i can even remember one


    Ah, fair enough. I hear you.


    However, from my point of view, if he resigns, he'll spin it as unrealistic expectations from the fans, or because of us wanting Ben Arfa to play, or because he was a southerner, or some other jargon.


    I want him sacked so that the emphasis will be on how bad a job he did, because he's utter garbage, and the world deserves to know it.

  2. Never looked like he struggled physically IMO, he certainly wasn't weak. Probably just said that because it's all Pardew went on about.


    Give me a break, man. He's as weak as p*ss. Still think he should've been starting for us this season given the s*** alternatives, mind.



    "It's all very physical" . . . He's a centre back, he shouldn't be going on about things being too physical, makes him sound a bit of a pussy.


    Yep. Imagine John Terry moaning about the physicality of the league. This is exactly why you need to buy players fit for purpose and not just cheap ones who might fetch a significant profit.




    He's weak in the air, but certainly not weak physically IMO.

  3. Lovenkrands better shuts his trap...that useless piece of s***


    What the hell is he doing?  :lol:


    Honestly, what crevice did they discover the idiot in to get those quotes. Is that the best backing Pardew could manage to find? He really is done for then  :lol:


    Absolutely crazy from Lovenkrands. Is he even in the country still? The nerve of him to suggest we "created" any of those goals we scored on Saturday, then claim there's were unlucky. This is an agent of Pardew in action. Maybe promised him a contract on a free. Disgusting.

  4. Makes no sense that they've given him all these players, let him get rid of two, yet are on the verge of sacking him?


    Either means it's bullshit or he really has zero say on who comes in/goes out.


    Oh it's clear the recruitment of players always had nothing to do with the turnip. And praise God above for that! We'd have been stuck with Bent, Sidwell, Tomkins etc.

  5. Never really understand these 'X games to save his job' things. What possible difference could three games make to whether he's the right man or not?


    Over the 3 games I imagine our performance without the "distraction" of Ben Arfa will be scrutinized. I bet any money Pardew justified the loaning out of him, by claiming he was causing a distraction. Also, there will no doubt be some attention paid to how Ben Arfa performs at Hull also. Pardew is dead meat.

  6. Don't think we'll get Pulis anyway, due to him falling out over players at Palace. MA won't want all that and Pulis wouldn't either. The policy of recruiting here won't work for either of them.


    However if by some miracle it did happen, even with players unsuited to him, we still wouldn't look like we do under Pardew. I am confident of that. Pardew is that useless.

  7. I honestly would take anyone other than Pardew right now. Except Allardyce, which won't happen anyway, as MA ditched him once already.


    Even Pulis would have his advantages, as we wouldn't look so feeble as a team, particularly at the back. Pardew literally has no good points whatsoever. Crap going forward, crap defending, crap in midfield, crap organisation, crap desire, crap, crap ,crap everywhere.

  8. Honestly, I think Di María injected a lot of mobility in Argentina's play, and allowed for example Messi to have more space. It's just a silly what-if, I know that Argentina can blame only themselves for losing that final. But when he went down against Belgium I was sure a lot of their chances to win the tournament vanished. Argentina were much easier to contain when he wasn't on the pitch.


    Just another Jonas isn't he?

  9. I'll be delighted if we lose our new few games to drive this prick out of the club. It's not a nice feeling, I don't like it but short-term pain will lead to long-term gain.


    As for who comes in then, I'm now squarely behind anyone coming in purely because he won't be Alan Pardew. The recent results and performances are akin to those of teams that not only get relegated but finish rock bottom of the league. How could the next bloke be worse than this pitiful w*****? It should have happened 18-20 months ago. Lose the games, get the c*** out and build from there. I want to support my team again. 


    It is a nice feeling. You should cherish it.

  10. How are they lined up? Think they should mimick Liverpool, with Sterling in behind Rooney and Sturridge in a diamond. Doesn't sound like that's how they are setup though.


    Essentially a 4-4-2 with Sterling left and Chamberlain right but fluid and Sterling popping up all over the place


    Ah, okay. Really think they should try that Liverpool setup. They can always drop into a 4-4-2 when defending.

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