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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The thing I don't understand is his hold up and link up play.


    When he first joined, I don't remember thinking this part of his game was poor at all.


    If he was still doing these things well, then it would be fine to keep him in the first team till he found his goal scoring touch again.


    However, this part of his game has been so diabolically bad it's untrue. Therefore, we can't afford to carry him. This is what ultimately annoys me the most, as there is no reason this part of his game should be suffering, as he is capable of doing it so much better, like he was when he first joined.


    Very annoying.

  2. I don't necessarily believe we need to "control" possession.


    Agreed. However, being able to pass it well enough to create opportunities is something England need to be bale to do far more consistently. So many possessions end up with that hopeful long ball that ends up going through to the keeper.

  3. I think England really need to have a think about how to produce better international quality players. It's too easy to say, they need to just do their own thing, and forget everyone else. The fact is that it's not going to lead to the results they want. The approach just doesn't work at that level.


    It's not even a case of trying to play like Spain, Germany or Brazil either. It's just about improving the passing and ability to keep possession, to a decent standard, as the standard is currently way too low.


    England really struggle to keep possession long enough, in order to work the opposition's defence and eventually create decent openings for their quality players, with the crucial pass or cross.


    It definitely needs looking at. If Germany could transform their whole approach and setup to the level they did, England should be able to. Doing it to even half of the level Germany did would make a huge difference.

  4. The thing is though, that frenzied style doesn't really work internationally, when most teams do a much better job of keeping possession, and so the game just isn't as open like it is in the premier league, where possession changes sides quite regularly against most of the teams outside of the top 4.


    Secondly, most international teams will just sit deep and challenge you to break them down with good passing and movement, which is what Chile did last week. And so it is difficult to try to get in behind them, or run at them etc.


    This is the issue England faces I think.



  5. You'd think if Sammy had any sense he'd cut his losses now and commit to Nigeria too. Could easily have 2-3 World Cups in him.

    Shola has a much easier path to the Nigeria team than his older brother, tbh. There are 80230782 pacy wide forwards in the Nigeria setup. I mean, he'll always have the "England premium" because he plays in the league most valued by people in the country, but the competition is tough. SE have lacked a true target man type striker for a while now (the likes of Emenike and Yakubu are strong but average in the air), and Keshi in all his wisdom has decided to alleviate this with Shola Ameobi and given another rubbish player a few free flights. May God have mercy on him.



  6. So he posted that in response to jokes that he's bad at French. And his response is to make a jibe about them being black. I'm sure he's really just a dimwit, but nonetheless it plays off the notion that there's something undesirable about being black. Otherwise it's just a nonsensical observation about colors in response to a jibe.



    The context of him saying that to them definitely makes it a lot worse. Something definitely off about his line of thinking.

  7. I just can't understand why people are still so fascinated or obsessed with skin colour in this day and age.


    You'd think Steven Taylor had never seen a black person before he met Sissoko, Cisse, Haidara and Anita.


    Just think it's really weird behaviour.

    It's meant to be harmless banter apparently but it's a racist photo no doubt.


    Fortunately for me, this stuff just doesn't affect me. When I see these sorts of things it just makes me cringe for the perpetrator. It is just grossly ignorant behaviour.


    If I was on the team for example, I'd be looking at Taylor a bit differently afterwards. I'd just think he was really weird, and I'd definitely distance myself from him more.



  8. I just can't understand why people are still so fascinated or obsessed with skin colour in this day and age.


    You'd think Steven Taylor had never seen a black person before he met Sissoko, Cisse, Haidara and Anita.


    Just think it's really weird behaviour.

  9. http://www.thefightingcock.co.uk/forum/threads/newcastle-united-at-home-10-11-13-12-00.7863/page-26


    Others will say, yeah but Krul played a blinder! But they'll fail to realise that the reason opposition teams play worldies against us is because they know they have no right to beat us with all the talent we have. It brings the best out of them when they are ahead of us when they shouldnt be and they will play out of their skins to get our scalp because everyone expects us to win with all the talent we have.




    what the f*** is this?


    That is beyond ridiculous  :lol:

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