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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I think Martinez is saying that he wouldn't go into such a game with the intention of keeping things tight and playing scrappy, and hoping to nick a result.


    And I say bravo to that, because that crap hardly ever works! Especially against the better teams, as they just end up camping on your side of the pitch and bombarding you all game, while you hope nothing goes in, and you can spring the odd counter attack and score from it.


    Now, even I you go in with the best intentions to play well, you could potentially still end up in a scrappy game if things aren't quite clicking for you. I don't think this is the kind of situation he's referring to though, as I'm sure he'd be more than happy with a win then.


    It's more the approach you take into the game he's speaking of I think.

  2. I just think it's a bit embarrassing that the captain of NUFC can't even control his wife. Why the f*** he still has the armband is beyond me. Feeble attempt to appease a finished player at the expense of the club.




    Ronaldo slips his armband on before smacking his missus.



  3. I've been out to Newcastle once in my life, it wasn't much different to London really.


    Weird thing though, I heard at least 3 different guys trying to chat up girls, by claiming to be footballers on trial at Newcastle.


    Thought that was really bizarre.

  4. almost 6 years old thread,185 pages and signing in Qatar.


    Talk of him partnering Martins on the first page, old as f***. :lol:


    Teach a nice Nigerian lad on the MBA programme. Jokingly asked him to leave class yesterday as he was wearing a Manure top. Told him I was a Newcastle fan and he said he was best mates with Martins' younger brother who is apparently in his 30s. Wor Obafemi is apparently over 40!


    :lol: :lol: :lol:



  5. Pards, Pards, Pards ...


    The last year or so he tried to be cute with it, because of the types of players we have, but he just can't do it. It's not just about putting the players in a 4-3-3 and asking them to pass it, but truly believing in that type of play, and knowing how to encourage it every day in training. It's just not him.


    Ultimately he reached his 'fuck this' moment, and unapologetically went with what he knows how to coach and prepare for best, and decided to best fit the players he had into this way of play. He prioritized hard work on the wings and a target upfront.


    He got the players to buy into it, with both Gouffran and Sissoko in particular, accepting roles that you wouldn't really say they were known for, and then re-introducing Shola, and getting him to provide something resembling football, which the pacy and dangerous Remy can play off of.


    It has worked, and you know what, I can't really complain, or knock the guy, because those were some major calls that were all him.


    The first time I saw Gouffran and Sissoko wide and Shola upfront, I thought he had actually had a mental break down, and completely lost his marbles, so fair play.


    Yes it is unfortunate that the likes of Ben Arfa, Marv and Anita will seemingly struggle to contribute to the current side, because they are classy players, but this is what happens when the players bought do not fit with the managers ethos. That problem ultimately falls on MA and his cronies.


    Happier to see Pardew do what he knows best, and figure out how to use the players we have in this system. Previously we were neither here nor there, and it sucked.


    What lies ahead for Ben Arfa, Marv and Anita, well who knows, but ultimately if the man in charge is going to remain, we have to let him do what he does best, especially if it works as well as it has been.


    Can't help feeling a bit cheated though ... as we should be allowed to enjoy the likes of Ben Arfa's talents.

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