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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We've been outstanding.


    Haven't looked this organized and defensively capable in eons.


    Gouffran and Sissoko are massive for us defensively, the way they press and support the full backs is incredible.


    They're just like Jonas but with more about them going forward. We're almost a diamond at times going forward, with Gouffran and Sissoko not hugging the touchline, and Cabaye ahead of Tiote.


    \working really well.

  2. Made up. Proud of everybody except Obertan who should just give up football. Clearly not what he's cut out for. Although, I suppose he does alright for a man whose head seems to be made of papier-mâché moulded around a weather balloon.


    Very harsh on Obertan, considering his contribution to the second goal.


    The guy doesnt play much, so looks even more nervous and skittish than usual when he gets a chance.





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