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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I remember the local media (and some of the fans) accusing Laurent Robert of being heartless. Where the f*** do you even begin to start with this lot, btw? Ben Arfa and Sissoko are good footballers but they just don't want to know today at all.


    We definitely don't have anyone with any fire in them.


    Its not a foreign thing either. People like Viera and Gallas had plenty.


    We need some players with personality and some balls for sure.


    This makes it even more crucial that we have a manager that sets them up right, and inspires some kind of emotion in them.


    Pardew is failing at both tasks.


    Our players are incredibly inflexible imo.



  2. What an utterly pathetic first half. Pards has got it horribly wrong and 4 or 5 of our players couldn't give a s***. Worried.


    You fill your team full of Foreigners and this is what you get in games  like this. Fair play to the Mackems. They're not very good but at least they're desperate to win it which is more than can be said for our spineless lot.


    Oh man. This really isn't the problem out there.

  3. "I really think the team is in decent shape," says Pardew. "I've set it up in much more attacking mode with three strikers and will continue to do so regardless of who they are.


    "I like the feel of this team – it's got goals. I'd like to lock up the back door a bit more but I'm not going to stray from what I think is the way forward for Newcastle and that's to try to score goals."


    Right then


    Took all of 20 mins  :lol:

  4. We work all week on the 4-3-3 formation that has served us so well lately, and within 20 mins Pardew shoe horns everyone into a 4-4-2, instead of keeping his nerve.


    What made him think that would change anything? Remy has now vanished, Sissoko is so cluless out left, Ben Arfa keeps losing the ball dropping deep in the centre.


    How long do we have to keep dealing with this stuff. He's had this team long enough to know where people can't play.


    So fed up.

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