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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. As long as it's not Willo. Don't want to think about what Suarez will do to his nice hair.


    I think we should play Taylor and Willo against Liverpool. No better way for them to prove that British spirit and physicality is key in the premier.


    :lol: I would actually love this.


    Would be incredibly entertaining.

  2. I would concede it may be good for link ups / commercial benefits mind but from a footballing POV nah, no way.


    In other spurious news - http://www.themag.co.uk/the-mag-wire/newcastle-linked-with-move-for-argentinian-striker/


    Have you seen him play? How's he look?


    Not seen him for Nice but OK without being great for Boca. Always struck me more of an in the box player rather than a getting involved elsewhere player.


    Not particularly quick, not particularly strong, doesn't usually have one outstanding attribute...... but does get goals.




    Sounds like Cisse's twin.

  3. Sturridge and Suarez are all about movement, pace and ability on the ball.


    Don't really want to see Taylor up against all that.


    I would go with Mapou and Colo personally.


    Aerial balls won't be as much of an issue against Liverpool.


    Either way we will still receive a flogging so it really doesn't matter I suppose.

  4. I like Hernandez. For a poacher he's actually a really good footballer.


    He'd be a great buy for someone but I don't think our football lends itself to a poacher. We don't get enough balls into the box. We'd be better off with a Lukaku type, hustle and bustle, big presence type forward. I guess hence the Gomis link/bid.


    Urgh. I keep forgetting what we're like actually. Now you mention it, we shouldn't go anywhere near this player.

  5. This Januzaj thing is extremely cringe worthy and desperate.


    All based on that one performance the other day?


    I read an article in the paper the other day where the journalist was comparing him to Messi. It was astonishing.


    The press, fergie and Man Utd fans wanked over Macheda when he burst on the scene, think i'll reserve judgement just for now. Farce that we are trying to poach him in the first place, it's gone bonkers this whole system of living in the country for a few years so you can now play for them.


    I actually like Januzaj a lot. Looks a good player, but this reaction from all and sundry has been ridiculous.

  6. That Wilshere quote is shocking tbh.


    I don't think England will ever be relevant in world football again.


    That mindset seems to be ingrained even in your more technical players.


    The game has moved on and left England very far behind.

  7. That 3-5-2 Rodgers is playing looks really well organised too, and it's allowed Sturridge and Suarez to both thrive together upfront moreso than previously.


    Slot Coutinho in behind them, to replce Moses, once he's back fit, and then Glen Johnson at right wing back ahead of Henderson, and they are going to be one hell of an attacking force.


    They've defended quite well too, and have a good number of athletic centre backs for that back 3.



  8. This Januzaj thing is extremely cringe worthy and desperate.


    All based on that one performance the other day?


    I read an article in the paper the other day where the journalist was comparing him to Messi. It was astonishing.



  9. This guys career is probably over.






    In all seriousness though, I watch the guy now, and I can't understand how he was previously so good, as he's struggling so badly at the minute.



  10. I'm hoping the club are continuing to emphasize he's a QPR player due to the allegations he's facing.


    Should he be cleared of said allegations, they had better sign him up that very day. Otherwise, heads will roll.

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