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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. That seems to be the way AVB wants it =- width from the full-backs.


    Terrible pitch, this. Classic away Eastern European conditions.


    Yeah, I was thinking that perhaps that might be the case.


    Good thing is you have Lennon and Townsend who can add that element of direct play on the wing if needed.


    Basically, I hate you guys.


    When are we playing you lot anyway? I want to make sure I'm holed up in a remote village somewhere that weekend.

  2. The players were f***ing absymal and nobody should let them off despite Pardew.


    Definitely, but it's unbelivable no one questions our manager. Ever. Never ever.


    You may have missed every single page of this forum ever.


    The supposedly unbias pundits and media. Who would all rather not upset their pals.


    If it were some foreigner though they'd be right in there.


    Look at Moyes, the media can't plead for more time for him any harder.


    Villas Boas at Chelsea was deemed th enot so special one and clowned out of town.


    Same ol same ol.

  3. Neville saying Pardew couldn't do anything, I can't figure it out. If the manager has no say on the tactics and the starting/general positions the defenders take up then why have one?


    This is why I was so upset by the way it ended.


    Pardew has got off scot free.


    It's disturbing because if this was a foreign manager, I'm not sure he would do.


    Not a single one of them has questioned what the manager is doing with them.


    Yanga-Mbiwa is the scapegoat today.


    Well he'll get dropped and let's see the big improvement that comes.

  4. If Williamson started the game we would have conceded 10 by the half. I'll tell you that right here right now.


    People are deceiving themselves if they think he made any difference whatsoever. Everton were coasting and started bricking it once we scored as we deserved nothing, and we were then finally playing with freedom, as we had nothing to lose, and none of Pardew's stupid instructions to restrict us.


    Just stop.

  5. Jesus Christ! Some of you guys are actually trying to give that cretin any modicum of credit for that second half?


    Have you forgotten what just happened in the first half?


    That second half was purely down to the players beig lifted by Cabaye's performance and goal.


    He's likely the one they have any respect for, or see as anything resembling a leader.


    Pardew? No fucking way. A complete charlatan. The devil incarnate.

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