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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Zaha is still pretty much a "local lad". From what i've heard he mostly hangs around the type of places most 20 year olds hang out from Croydon. e.g. not China Whites and other known London footballer haunts.


    Yeah, you will see him around Croydon, and no one really bothers him at all, or gets overly excited, as it's pretty standard.



  2. Yeah, we don't really look like we work much on drills to actually develop a passing and movement game.


    It's almost as though the players have been told they have permission to pass the ball on the ground, and that is therefore meant to revolutionize our play.

  3. You've just mentioned taking it all as a bit of a laugh and then got immediately offended by something that was quite clearly meant as a joke. Don't be so sensitive.


    Oh no ... I can sense this flaring up again.


    I can't believe people saying I was offended!


    I was just giving a bit back, as you do. Don't judge me.

  4. Kaka you need to stop letting people get to you. It's a bit like watching someone being bullied at school or something. They are just trying to get a reaction out of you and every time you do they effectively win :) Just chill man and ignore it if you don't agree with what they say :)


    Thanks alexf.


    I don't think I let them get to me at all. If I did I would be f-ing and blinding at them myself.


    Maybe not even acknowledging them at all, is the best response though, as you have said.


    However, I feel it's my duty to at least help them see the errors of their juvenile ways.

  5. However, we should all be able to debate these points without personal abuse.


    You are clearly not capable of rational thought though, so I doubt you'll understand this.




    Is this a comedy alter ego, like Piers Morgan on Twitter?


    The man intimated that not only did I have fanny, but a wet one at that.


    I simply pointed out that this could not be the case, as I am never one to start the silly bitchy behaviour that takes place all too regularly in this place.


    I did not at any point personally attack him, thank you very much.


    Anyway, I am thoroughly worn out by all this. I did not set aside any time for all this arguing this morning.


    Let's let this all just fade out now. Cheers.

  6. Jesus Christ. Go and wipe your fanny, man.


    I'm really not the one that needs too if you really think about it.


    You are clearly not capable of rational thought though, so I doubt you'll understand this.



  7. It's quite hard for me to post in this thread now, so I don't bother as much. Anything I say just gets met with a 'typical' or 'like clockwork' snipe from someone or other.


    I just think the level of hatred directed at Pardew is highly excessive. When you step away from this thread for a while and come back it really does sound like paranoid delusions at times. The guy is an average football manager, or below average depending on your assessment. But some of the abuse he gets is incredible. Particularly the crazy level of analysis when he has the audacity to give a quote to the press, which everyone knows is my pet hate.


    :thup: Same, babez.


    I will forever defend my right to point out that Kaka is an idiot, though. It's a basic right of any member of this here site.


    Still seeking support and approval. Still not getting any.

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