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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. It's quite hard for me to post in this thread now, so I don't bother as much. Anything I say just gets met with a 'typical' or 'like clockwork' snipe from someone or other.


    I just think the level of hatred directed at Pardew is highly excessive. When you step away from this thread for a while and come back it really does sound like paranoid delusions at times. The guy is an average football manager, or below average depending on your assessment. But some of the abuse he gets is incredible. Particularly the crazy level of analysis when he has the audacity to give a quote to the press, which everyone knows is my pet hate.


    You've got to take it all with a pinch of salt though.


    It's a football forum. Any assessment of the manager and players is likely always going to be a bit over the top.


    Some do it out of that immediate anger and frustration, some do it for entertainment, whatever.


    However, we should all be able to debate these points without personal abuse. The mick taking, yes okay, I mean I get plenty of that. It's all a bit of a laugh.


    However, some people on here are genuinely unhinged and emotionally unstable. They just lash out uncontrollably, due to problems in their own lives they need to sort out.


    I mean, please handle your issues in your own time. Don't project that stuff on me please.

  2. Anyone that starts throwing abuse at someone else over a differing point of view, instantly loses any credibility as far as I'm concerned.


    It's a clear sign of a lack of intelligence and basic home training.


    It's what you'd expect from a bunch of high school girls. That Lindsay Lohan mean girls stuff. These are the kind of so called men we have in society these days.

  3. I think Inochi, Ian W, BrettNUFC are in the minority.  They stand by what they think is right and defend it all the time, despite regular p*ss taking.


    The popular opinion would be to slaughter pardew at every turn, they dont do that.




    You do Ian W and Brett NUFC a huge disservice by associating them with Inochi tbh.


    They are far more eloquent and actually have the ability to express themselves like human beings.


    Inochi is an emotional wreck and wails at anyone that challenges his heart throb Pardew.


    *insert leave Britney alone guy*

  4. Roger Kint and Disco you should know better than to give credence to this person.


    However, I don't really hold it against you much. I know it's a big popularity contest on here, and you will do whatever is necessary to try and get in with the regulars.


    Ultimately though, you really should be big boys, and be your own men.

  5. Inochi  :lol:


    This guy adores Alan Pardew man.


    It's unreal.


    Nah. I just think you're a complete f***ing idiot.




    God, you are so pathetic.


    I'm sure all that swearing and abuse makes you feel relevant and tough though.


    You're all loved up on Pardew and I'm the idiot?


    Your lack of intelligence is actually astonishing.



  6. This dampening of expectations thing is purely Pardew IMO, and not some sort of remit from above.


    It's down to his personal disbelief that he can achieve a decent result without spending like Man City.


    He'll be rabbiting on the same nonsense to everyone else at the club, whether it's Mike Ashley or Joe Kinnear or whoever. It is what he does.


    It's his way of doing everything in his power to stay in charge and buy himself time in a job he will never be good enough for.

  7. The guy is shameless.


    Wants to manage a good club, but have absolutely no expectations placed on him whatsoever.


    He's not built for this level of management, it's as simple as that.


    Everything out of his mouth is negative. Everything he does is done in fear and he constantly looks to cover his back. Grade A coward.


    Get him out.

  8. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2012/aug/26/fernando-torres-didier-drogba-chelsea

    "I think we are realistic about where we think we are," Pardew said. "I think we are in that group with Tottenham, Everton, Liverpool. But whether we can reach the dizzy heights of Man City, Man United, Chelsea … where they are now … it's going to be tough. But you've got to believe you can.

    "The only time I hear the word 'expectations' from Newcastle fans is from journalists from the Midlands and London. But up north, they know. We will continue hopefully to excel this year and get a top- eight finish. Top five would be a great achievement."




    Everton, Liverpool and Tottenham have already shown they're eons ahead of us this season.


    Pardew is a complete and utter embarrassment.

  9. Oh shut the f*** up, man, Kaka.


    :lol: This should be the standard response to a Kaka post.


    This place would be the same without me.  Carry on.





    Is this in my support or to my detriment. I can't tell.

  10. Don't see the relevance, like. Calling someone a stupid c***'s a bit different to telling Kaka to hush his anti-English queering.


    I am English, and could even play for England, as I have been here past 5 years you tit.



  11. Anyone else a member of the get Santon on the right fan club?


    Sick of having a full back that cuts in, particularly when the player playing wide left is already looking to cut in.


    Can we please develop Santon on the right. Thanks.

  12. That trifecta of Hart, Jagielka and Cahill will be prone to doing something silly at the back.


    If Sturridge is on, I think he'll save them though. However, I could see the midfield struggling to get the ball forward.


    Do not like Townsend and Welbeck wide.


    Does Lallana make the team?

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