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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Van Persie is going to be nothing like he was last season, so forget that. The football isn't the same. He'll have the odd thrilling performance, but it's not going to be consistent.


    As far all that extra running and physical training they're supposedly doing at man U now? Well I can see the guys body starting to give out like it used to back in the day.


    Nice seeing you at your best the last couple of seasons Robin. It was a pleasure.

  2. Well I know a few on here doubt Poyet, when he's offered up as an alternative to Pardew.


    Would be a hell of a train wreck on this forum should he go there and start turning things around, despite their horrific situation.


    I rate Poyet, and so I'm nervous about it tbh. Would be unbearable if he goes there and does well.


    Especially knowing he's pally with Ashley, and could have been a realistic (and free!) option once Pardew bombs.

  3. I was reading an article last week on the changes under Moyes at Man United.


    Apparently training now involves a lot more physical training, and less work with the ball. They actually had a bit in the article about Van Persie being taken aback by how much harder the sessions are.


    Now, watching Man United this season, in my opinion, I don't see the same level of quality possession, build up play or attacking moves.


    The players are exactly the same, but the managers approach is quite different. I think the manager's approach, outlook and mindset towards the game, and the effect this has on the team's play, is often downplayed way too much.


    People tend to say a lot on here that the players have to take the blame, and they clearly aren't good enough, but I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it.


    I think in some instances the players can be too good for the manager, in the sense that he is not equipped to utilise them in the right ways.


    The likes of Moyes and Pardew will revel in having a certain type of player i.e. one who works hard, grafts, doesn't take too many risks etc. Ultimately though, there is always a ceiling to what can be achieved with teams built largely around these types i.e. your Everton teams under Moyes, your West Hams, Stokes etc.


    The best performing teams will always have more players that have a bit more about them, but it seems these types of players terrify certain managers! They can't fathom the thought of them not doing exactly what is asked over and over again. Kagawa gives Moyes nightmares, the way Marveaux and Anita do Pardew.


    Ultimately our manager doesn't fit with the types of players we are bringing in. We can either get the more functional types of players to suit his philosophy, and be content with midtable mediocrity and the occasional Europa league  appearance, or push for more.


    I think we are ultimately getting the type of players that can push for more, but the manager can't get the best out of them.





  4. Yeah, I think the club feels they get better deals in January, and essentially use the summer as a period to declare initial interest, and then start whittling the price down leading up to January.


    Just wish they'd come out and admit it.

  5. Except M'ON and Pulis would never work under a director if football who is in charge of transfers.


    Likely to be someone from abroad at this rate, or someone who isn't English anyway.

  6. Speaking on footballing terms, I absolutely loved the few attempts at creative link-up between he and Gouffran. They look infinitely more intelligent playing together with dummys and what not. I know not all of them came off and Gouff didn't make much an impact, but it was promising.


    Yeah, I noticed this too. They've got a good understanding.


    Would love to see them both start a game.

  7. People are seriously underestimating Gouffran's ability to play uptop alone, which he did really well his last two seasons in France.


    Please don't mention Morecambe, as the team was completely rubbish, and they werent even getting the ball upfront to him at all.


    If he comes into this current team for Cisse, he will shock the world.

  8. We definitely don't play with the same intent once we take the lead. No matter how early on we score, and no matter whether home or away, which is quite frankly hideous.



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