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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Couldn't believe when he tapped it in last game. I actually remember thinking what on Earth is Ben Arfa doing in there, which is weird because he is an attacking player after all.


    However, it's definitely something he hasn't done enough of previously i.e. getting into the box when play develops on the opposite side of the pitch. Good to see it's already paying dividends.


    Can't believe Pardew is only just now suggesting this. What a dufus.



  2. Remember last season man. Ah mint Suarez isn't playing and we don't have the tiredness of Europe hanging over us! Oh aye and we have Ben Arfa, Gouffran and Anita available! Things might be aaaaaalright!


    Jonas, Tiote and Perch start. :lol:


    0-6 :anguish:


    Can you imagine Perch was starting ahead of Anita ... my God. Absolutely unforgivable.

  3. leffe man, you still feel gutted?!


    I mean the guy had a good few seasons with you. Fair enough. However, you've ended up receiving the most paid for a player ever for him, and not just that, but the money has been used to buy a stack of incredible players.


    It's a perfect scenario. Quite surprised you're still gutted. I think as the new guys settle in and start really performing that feeling will vanish quite quickly. You guys are in a great situation I think.


    Think it's also great that he went abroad too. Imagine how you'd feel if he ended up at Man U?! Now that would have been really gutting and unbearable trust me.



  4. He's not slower than Simpson I don't think.


    The difference is that Simpson hardly ever got forward, and so wasn't out of position as much. In addition to this Simpson always backed off, and gave attackers more room, so he didn't appear to be lagging behind as much, however he invited attackers onto us a lot more.

  5. Ramos surprised by Bale talent


    By Kevin Palmer


    Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos admits he is surprised by the impact Gareth Bale has made in his first few days as the world’s most expensive footballer.


    Bale scored on his Real Madrid debut at Villarreal on Saturday and Ramos conceded he has been taken aback by the Welsh midfielder whose talents have been overlooked by some in the dressing room he now frequents.


    “The truth is because he (Bale) did not play for a team in England that played in the Champions League, we did not know that much about him,” stated Ramos about the former Tottenham star.


    “We know if the coach wanted him that strongly he must be a good player, but nobody was prepared for how special he is. We are glad now that he is with us.


    “It has only been a few training sessions we have seen him in, but some of what we see we can’t believe.


    “He is so fast, so tricky, and the frightening thing is that he is not even 100 per cent game fit yet.”


    Interesting! You would have thought Bale played for Reading or something.

  6. Bit annoying how Neville was going on about Sturridge now proving he is a goalscorer, and having improved so much.


    He's always scored goals at every level far as I recall. He just wasn't being played in the prem!


    Even at Chelsea, when they bothered to play him, he scored goals, even though he was shunted out wide most of the time.


    He's scored goals whenever he's been allowed to start as a striker.


    At Bolton he scored 8 goals in 12 games and so far for Liverpool he's scored 17 in 21 games, i wanted us to sign him when we sold Carroll oh well. :(


    Urgh! We probably would have got him too, as by that point Chelsea were messing him about.


    They were desperate for Torres, and knowing Liverpool would only sell if they got Carroll, we could have at least tried to squeeze Chelsea for Sturridge.

  7. Bit annoying how Neville was going on about Sturridge now proving he is a goalscorer, and having improved so much.


    He's always scored goals at every level far as I recall. He just wasn't being played in the prem!


    Even at Chelsea, when they bothered to play him, he scored goals, even though he was shunted out wide most of the time.

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