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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. George, is Moses expected to start more often than not for Liverpool?


    Not sure considering Suarez is back in 2 games.


    Can't see Rodgers dropping Henderson considering how unbalance the midfield has looked the few times Rodgers has dropped him.


    Moses works hard for the team, I can see him taking Henderson's role on the right. Coutinho back to the left, and Suarez slotting in behind Sturridge.

  2. Before Remy got up to scratch, and Cabaye returned, he could have had Gouffran start on the left, and Marveux just behind Cisse, with everything else as is.


    Would we looked as good as yesterday? Probably not, but we would have looked a damn sight better, and been more effective than we were with bloody Shola starting up front with Cisse.

  3. Foluwashola you lacked the mental maturity to appreciate my post.


    Enough people appreciated my point so I am quite satisfied with it.


    If I had to specifically point out that it his team selection was ultimately undoing anything else worthwhile he might be doing then I pity you.


    As a grown up you should be able to infer certain things.

  4. Hull at home will certainly be interesting.


    Dropping Cisse by the way, doesn't mean he's done forever.


    Will probably take a bit of pressure off him too. Bringing him off the bench late when everyone is tired, and he's fresh, might help him get the all important first goal he needs, and he can then push on from there.


    It's not a death sentence or anything.

  5. Actually like this guy being used out wide. 




    Pop him out wide and play Remy upfront then.


    Either way Cisse needs to sit for a bit, maybe that will light the fire under him again.


    His hold out over the summer over the stupid Wonga logo, which set him back, and his subsequent poor start, should have him coming off the bench for now.

  6. Spot on as always Kaka. All a premier league manager has to do is pick a starting XI. There are literally no other aspects to creating a good passing side.


    Consistently the most dramatic and biggest spouter of nonsense on here. Some feat.


    May I also suggest that you never address me again on this forum until you change that stupid username of yours.


    It's a fucking disgrace, and an outrage. Telling me such nonsense under the guise of Shola Ameobi of all people.


    You must have lost all of your marbles.



  7. Spot on as always Kaka. All a premier league manager has to do is pick a starting XI. There are literally no other aspects to creating a good passing side.


    Consistently the most dramatic and biggest spouter of nonsense on here. Some feat.


    With such a post it's no surprise Shola is your hero.


    Your mind is as lazy as his legs are.


    Where did I say that is all a manager has to do?


    My point was that whatever else he was doing everyday in training, off the pitch etc. was ultimately being undone by his terrible team selections.


    You can have the best players, the best training sessions, walk every player home after training etc etc etc.


    If your fucking still picking Jonas and Tiote despite their abject performances, then hell yeah it's all a bit pointless isn't it.


    Fuck me!

  8. Cabaye's a good lad really. Just momentarily seduced by Wenger's charms, which is understandable once you've been stuck with Pardew for longer than a day.


    Good for him to get this off his chest so he can just get back at it, and go full throttle.


    Time to move on now, nothing to see here. Well until the next derisory bid in January of course.

  9. True say bro. Some fair points.


    Just love Vurnon in our current setup, and fail to see how that dumpling guy can't recognise what he brings to the team.


    Don't want to come across as a Parker hater, because he's a top pro and gives his all. Was just trying to make the point that blood and thunder does not mean a better or more effective player necessarily.

  10. Parker had his moments in that position for sure, but I just didn't like his style.


    A lot of times it was quite laboured, and he slowed down play. He'd spin and spin and spin, or play it too safe too often with the backwards and sideways stuff. He wasn't consistently good at it.


    At Spurs he had Modric alongside him I believe, who took a lot of the responsibility of initiating play, and really was quite outstanding at it.


    Ultimately with this kind of player (Modric) also playing deep alongside him then it works quite well. At Fulham they have Sidwell with him, and that is going to be a disaster. While he was here, Emre couldn't stay fit enough to partner him regularly, and it all eventually started going down hill.


    I don't think that really takes enough into account. For one, when Emre was fit, we had a manager that thought it would be a good idea to have Emre sitting deep and Parker being the attacking threat. :lol:


    As for the point about Modric, I agree, but it's all about the balance between players and how they compliment each other. Parker and Sidwell sounds terrible, but Parker and a player like Arteta or Modric or Alonso and it works. He's basically a wingman for a better midfielder, and he's decent at it, imo.


    Ah, yes! Forgot about that from Roeder :lol:


    Eeerily similar, in some ways, to Pardew's Tiote experiment.

  11. Please stay fit.


    Please sign a 5 year contract.


    Please make the France World Cup team.


    Please tear it up and lead them far in the competition.


    Please then go on to be the most expensive player in history next summer for £90 million, so we can make Mike happy again with a +90 million transfer window.



  12. Parker had his moments in that position for sure, but I just didn't like his style.


    A lot of times it was quite laboured, and he slowed down play. He'd spin and spin and spin, or play it too safe too often with the backwards and sideways stuff. He wasn't consistently good at it.


    At Spurs he had Modric alongside him I believe, who took a lot of the responsibility of initiating play, and really was quite outstanding at it.


    Ultimately with this kind of player (Modric) also playing deep alongside him then it works quite well. At Fulham they have Sidwell with him, and that is going to be a disaster. While he was here, Emre couldn't stay fit enough to partner him regularly, and it all eventually started going down hill.

  13. Parker was better in his younger days when they just let him storm around the pitch and go from box to box, as an all action type.


    As a pure DM, I think he's very average to poor, at initiating play from the back.


    I'm also not a fan of DMs that go to ground so much. Prefer those that hold their position more, and either intercept the ball or force the opposition into making more difficult passes.

  14. This maniac that keeps ranting is the kind of guy that rates the likes of Scott Parker and Steve Sidwell for flying around launching themselves into tackles like a bunch of Neanderthals, bet that stuff turns him on.


    However what he won't acknowledge or recognise, is the fact that they are incapable of getting into positions to receive the ball in space, and make the simple forward pass to get play going. Instead they specialise in knocking the ball backwards and sideways.


    I'll have the more reserved and intelligent play of Anita all day, everyday.

  15. Ultimately, we have some really talented players.


    All Pardew has to do is pick the right ones, in the correct positions, and we'll play well.


    Literally all he has to do. Even his silly defensive mind set won't be able to hold them back.


    I thank God every day for that Man city game. A humiliating experience at the time, but it got Jonas, Tiote and Taylor out of the team.


    Pardew would never, ever have changed those three all at once otherwise.


    If we can keep the current team playing together consistently for the next month or so, imagine how good they'll be looking then?





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