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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Anita, Cabaye and Sissoko in a central three has to be given a go imo. 4-3-3 with Remy, HBA and Cisse up top. Worked a couple of years ago, would like to see it given a go with better players (Anita for Tiote, Sissoko for Guthrie/Jonas, Remy for Ba being about like for like as far as suitability to that left sided role goes.)


    The football that would ensue from that setup would be unreal.


    Deeply depressing that we will likely never see that setup.


    Purely because our manager has become possessed with the 4-4-2 formation.


    He has decided that we weren't any good last year, because we didn't have two upfront.


    An incredibly simple minded man is Alan Pardew. Incredibly so.



  2. Ba must be livid. He must have been buzzing about potentially joining Arsenal, as he would have got to play a lot there.


    Wenger man, really needs to stop selling his best players to rivals, as they don't ever return the favour.


    Never acts weird about selling players, whether it be restricting where they go, or asking for astronomical amounts.


    Have a lot of respect for Wenger tbh. Got his quirks, but is the best manager in the league for me, and just generally far more chilled and grown up.



  3. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    That article is awful!


    What a depressing chick he's married to.


    No self esteem or confidence. Calling the guy to check how long before he got back?!  :lol:


    Dude was on a leash!


    Get a baby sitter, and sign your wife up to some Spanish courses, dance classes, cooking classes etc. And tell her to get out there and meet some people and enjoy herself, and more importantly leave you the hell alone so you could spend some time bonding with your team mates.


    What a boring pair. Completely wasted the whole experience.

  4. Joe is blatantly trying to screw Pardew over to get in the job.


    Just like he said he would any manager under him, if he got a director of football role.


    No doubt about it.

  5. Liverpool are in damn good shape.


    The spree towards the end of the window had me certain they were about to flip Suarez for some dinero.


    But naaaaaw these cats are just straight balling.


    They are going places. Keepign Suarez on top of all th moves they made is crazy.


    Officially title contenders IMO.

    Title contenders :lol:


    Do well get close to top 4.


    Do you like lots of money? Bet on Liverpool, but don't tell too many people.



  6. Liverpool are in damn good shape.


    The spree towards the end of the window had me certain they were about to flip Suarez for some dinero.


    But naaaaaw these cats are just straight balling.


    They are going places. Keepign Suarez on top of all th moves they made is crazy.


    Officially title contenders IMO.

  7. This statement reminds me of the Llambias statement welcoming JFK to the club. Llambias quit the day after that statement was put out.




    A part of me feels that Pardew was only aware of the statement for the first time, along with the rest of us.


    The dope.

  8. I long for a manager that knows how to set us up the right way, whatever that may be, just so we wouldn't have to discuss this all the time.


    It's the complete ncompetence of the manager that continues to drive us to do it though.


    Its depressing, especially because every idea on here seems far more feasible than the trash he serves up every weekend.


    Sad  :(



  9. Isn't this essentially how they got rid of Keegan? By forcing him out just after the window, by not backing him at all in the summer.


    It's the same stunt isn't it? Llambias probably didn't want to deal with the drama again, and so they brought Joe in as the hit man this time around.


    Despite the c***s running the club Pardew is still at the best club he is ever going to manage, they will find it a lot tougher to shift him imo.


    Yup, Pardew doesn't have an ounce of decency or self respect in him.


    He will sit there and take the money until he is sacked with his full pay off.


    That resignation of Llambias is a clear indicator that something isn't right somewhere, and I think it centres around Pardew.


    The nincompoop had a shocking season and then came out criticizing Mike Ashley, and demanding older English players.


    This must be Mikes revenge. To get rid without paying him a dime. Has to be.


    I've convinced myself of it anyway. In the meanwhile we're in limbo.


    This Pardew statement can otherwise be translated as:


    Do your worst Mike I'm not shifting.

  10. Isn't this essentially how they got rid of Keegan? By forcing him out just after the window, by not backing him at all in the summer.


    It's the same stunt isn't it? Llambias probably didn't want to deal with the drama again, and so they brought Joe in as the hit man this time around.

  11. Pardew thought he could squeeze Mike by harping on about signings so publicly. Mike soon put him right in his place.


    I'm beginning to feel that the two are at logger heads for sure, which is why no one was brought in. They're not backing him. He's Llambias man, and all those stories about not wanting to pay him off, as there is no clause, might be true.


    Pardew kept banging on about buying older English players, and this has never been a part of Mike's remit so why keep on about it? Something definitely wrong there.


    It's like Pardew is trying to get sacked so he gets his pay off, while Mike is trying to make him quit so he doesn't get his pay off.





  12. The most depressing thing about that statement is the supposed Remy and Cisse partnership.


    Considering Cabaye has stayed, and we have no one to play on the left, you would hope the nitwit would realise we have to go 4-3-3 now. Remy left side of the front three, with Cisse and Ben Arfa. Then Cabaye, Sissoko and Anita central.


    But nope. He's still on this 4-4-2 shite, even though we have no one to play left wing.


    Well this season is going to be unbelievably infuriating.

  13. Same thing every summer. Folks raging the day after the window closes.


    Those who were optimistic versus those who were pessimistic.


    I remember the days I used to be an optimist  :( Ian W had nothing on me.


    Now I'm a broken man, with a simmering rage bubbling under the surface.



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