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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I can see the concern with Mapou, but I think he just needs to keep playing, and he'll come good.


    Never thought Colo would turn things around, as he initially seemed quite unsuited to the league, and look what he became.


    Mapou almost looks like he's trying too hard right now. He'll settle down.

  2. One of life's more simple joys is reading the Shola-hate on here. Reminds me how many buffoons support our club. And KNOW about football.


    Shola go work on controlling the ball, and quit whingeing.

  3. Nowt ever sticks upfront with Shola either.  :lol:


    TBF these are the exact type of games he should typically be used for. League 1 or 2 cup games, because that MAY be his level on a good day.

  4. The f***ing Amoebas. f*** off.


    :lol: Aye, f***ing disgraceful the way they got us into the next round.


    Such a strange, angry little man.



    Ridiculous stick they get at times :lol:


    Guys please, I beg you, stop this.


    Yes, it's nice that we're through to the next round, but think of the ramifications of this man scoring a goal to save Pardew's behind. It's a catastrophe.


    Here he is doing just enough to continue to hang around like a foul odor. Shola is the biggest 419 artist in Nigeria's history!


    It's bad enough he's only just played a horrendous 90 mins the previous weekend, and just when you think that rubbish performance might have perhaps seen him cast aside for a little while at least, he does this.


    He will likely now start again and play 90 mins again, against Fulham, which that idiot Pardew can now justify in his empty head.


    Maybe this will even inspire the club to pull out of all pursuits for another striker, maybe give him yet another undeserved contract, maybe make him captain. The unfortunate possibilities of this are endless.


    Sick of this repetitive tom foolery by the big man. Lovely guy, but I can't stand his efforts as a footballer. I'm over Shola forever.


    Sammy is just guilty by association. The shock of seeing the Ameobi name twice on the scoresheet was a bit too much to bear.



  5. Ayew always reminded me of James Milner. In a good way.




    Is there a good way?


    Great pro and a solid player, but a very average winger is Milner. We'll need a lot more than that for our current predicament.


    I did absolutely love Milner as a CM at Villa though. Really should have stayed there and continued to develop at that position.

  6. Can't wait to see how Gouffran performs with a full 90 mins through the middle. Time to deliver a goal I reckon.


    Has this been confirmed then? I would be ecstatic.


    No, I'm just assuming Pardew isn't a complete imbecile. Perfect game to see what he can do.


    Tron, you disappoint me!


    I actually thought I had something to look forward to.


    This is based on your assumptions of Pardew applying some common sense.


    Ha!  :mike:


  7. Having said that we need Ba's goals, and they will certainly be handy.


    However we will likely be a clumsy mess that just scrape results due to Ba's brilliance. Not that encouraging really.


    Oh well ... better than being relegated I guess.

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